• British Boarding Schools Show Geneva, 28 November 2023
  • Airbnb Geneva
  • Coffee and Creations

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Stephen Preece, founder of e5-portfolio, explains, "People are often surprised when I tell them that I am in the business of building people. That is, however, precisely what we at e5-portfolio have set as our mission. In fact, I have set up a company whose prime focus is to help young, creative minds develop into mature and innovative thinkers ready to make their way in the world. Do you remember that time when the only thing that counted was to look cool to others? Well multiply your own experience times ten and that could very well be what your child is currently experiencing. In the present climate of social media, fake news, climate change etc. It should come as no great surprise to you that the parent/child relationship can suffer greatly and so can school performance, general health etc."

e5-portfolio accompanies young people from adolescence to adulthood and from school (or a gap year) to a top university within the arts field around the globe. The 6-9 month program which can be done while at school or built into a gap year is attractive to students. Through the 5-step process each individual member is taken on their journey of self discovery before underpinning their own unique portfolio with their passion.


Risa Kunii wrote to knowitall.ch, "We are a team of students in Year 12 at the International School of Geneva, Campus des Nations who are organizing a charity concert and an art gallery to fundraise for an NGO called the Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ) which acts to protect wildlife from forest fragmentation occurring due to the palm oil plantations in Sabah, Borneo. The organization promotes RSPO-certified palm oil (sustainable palm oil) and also manages several projects including the Green Corridor Project to ensure safe passage for wildlife to migrate between fragmented rainforests to propagate their species."

Knowitall.ch posted the event on the calendar in March and were delighted to hear back from Risa after the event, "We raised over Fr. 3,000 from selling freshly made sushi sponsored by a rice company, Malaysian dessert, and other donated food and drinks. We also were able to make some more money by selling art which was created and donated by students ranging from primary students to staff that was displayed at our art gallery. A raffle sponsored by LUSH included a "furoshiki" — a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth used to wrap gifts or various items.

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PRESS RELEASE - Building on a common commitment to prepare the next generation of industry leaders, Sommet Education institutions Glion Institute of Higher Education and Les Roches Global Hospitality Education launched a partnership with InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG®).

Through this partnership, IHG will participate in the curriculum development across Sommet Education’s portfolio of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes by providing case studies for business projects and key note speakers during the courses and for graduation ceremonies.

In addition, IHG will increase its recruitment efforts at both Glion and Les Roches, giving students and graduates access to internships and job opportunities across its portfolio of brands with more than 5,600 hotels in more than 100 countries.

“We are excited and proud to partner with global hospitality education leader Sommet Education and its prestigious Glion and Les Roches institutions. The constantly growing hospitality industry is facing a shortage of skills: Through this tailored collaboration, we aim to further develop the best industry talent of tomorrow and nurture a new generation of IHG leaders,” said Ranjay Radhakrishnan, Chief Human Resources Officer, IHG.

“The mission of IHG to deliver true hospitality for everyone correspond with our own outlook of developing the future leaders of the hospitality industry at large,” said Benoît-Etienne Domenget, CEO of Sommet Education. “This collaboration will ensure that we provide students with the most relevant curriculum to further increase their employability and career progression.”

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La Côte International School will be hosting Nord Anglia Education Regional Model United Nations where students will debate education, inequality and territorial issues.

Nord Anglia Education (NAE) students from schools across Europe, the Middle East and Russia will join the Regional Model United Nations at La Côte International School in Aubonne on 8 and 9 February 2019.

At this two-day regional event, NAE students age 11 to 14 will take on the role of United Nations delegates from participating countries in an educational simulation of the UN.

The student delegates will be joining committees, workshops, team-building activities, and specialised sessions to address specific issues. After reading position papers and debating amongst each other, the delegates will be drafting, submitting and voting upon resolutions. Students will also be able to visit the UN Headquarters in Geneva thanks to the school’s nearby location.

“At Nord Anglia Education, we empower our students to positively impact their individual communities and the world at large,” said Nord Anglia Education CEO Andrew Fitzmaurice.

“We are proud to be hosting such a high profile regional event, where students from NAE schools will be actively encouraged to be ambitious about their role in making our world a better place through friendly debate over pressing global issues,” Principal of La Côte International School, expressed.

The topics to be discussed include: education, illness and disability; inequality, poverty, waste and sustainably; disputes over the South China seas and water disputes in Africa; and finally denuclearisation in North Korea and the arms market.


IIL START is a warm and nurturing educational structure designed to meet the specific needs of young children.

  • Provides a smooth transition from the family environment to the initial school experience.
  • Play is productive.
  • Learning is fun.
  • Drawing inspiration from IIL's motto “Work and succeed together”, IIL START is a perfect illustration of the best practices in the world of education.

IIL START makes up the youngest classes of IIL:

  • EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
  • Maternelle
  • Bilingual

EYFS - Nursery & Reception classes
The Nursery and Reception classes adhere to the principles of England’s EYFS program and offer a pleasant and stimulating learning environment. Core subjects are taught in English while specialist subjects are delivered in French, thus achieving bilingualism through immersion. The students are inspired and guided to kindle their curiosity and ignite a love of learning, which is reinforced by the focus on 21st century skill development. IIL START's practice mirrors their ethos: EYFS classes work together with their French Maternelle friends every day. This cohesion reinforces the curriculum and achieves age-appropriate linguistic competence, in English and French.