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Stephen Preece, founder of e5-portfolio, explains, "People are often surprised when I tell them that I am in the business of building people. That is, however, precisely what we at e5-portfolio have set as our mission. In fact, I have set up a company whose prime focus is to help young, creative minds develop into mature and innovative thinkers ready to make their way in the world. Do you remember that time when the only thing that counted was to look cool to others? Well multiply your own experience times ten and that could very well be what your child is currently experiencing. In the present climate of social media, fake news, climate change etc. It should come as no great surprise to you that the parent/child relationship can suffer greatly and so can school performance, general health etc."

e5-portfolio accompanies young people from adolescence to adulthood and from school (or a gap year) to a top university within the arts field around the globe. The 6-9 month program which can be done while at school or built into a gap year is attractive to students. Through the 5-step process each individual member is taken on their journey of self discovery before underpinning their own unique portfolio with their passion.

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Stephen continues, "Although we address and even nurture the ego of our e5 members we do step beyond that and focus on issues of equal importance e.g. pleasure (needed but like a good meal / unsustainable), passion (like image making / more sustainable but still only punctual even if daily), purpose (usually afforded by an individuals contribution to something beyond self / totally sustainable). Mission driven people do not have difficulty getting up in the mornings so we aim to engage with each member in their own chosen mission.

"In brief you might say that we have set up innovation incubator for young creatives right here in Geneva. Our portfolios are accepted in all the top Arts universities across the planet, not because they are technically wondrous but because they are totally authentic and amplify the voice of each individual member to their own specific target university... UAL, Conde Nast, Parsons New School NY, Strate, were just a few of the universities that accepted our members last year. n.b. we can deliver the programme in both English and French. We have100% success rate."

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Stephen was recently approached by someone who wants to take the e5-concept to Bulgaria. We wish him lots of success in all future endeavours for this program!

Upcoming dates in the e5-portfolio calendar
September 10th intro evening II to the e5-portfolio program 19h00 Espace 5
September 17th intro evening III to the e5-portfolio program 19h00 Espace 5

One day taster courses in Art&Design, Fashion, Film and Architecture etc. for the young creative are available. Once a month x9 months. Age range 12-15. 250Chf per day (to be refunded up to 500Chf if you register for e5 portfolio).

Here are the dates for the e5-Youth program for 2019-2020. This is a practical, hands-on program.
September 29: Fashion
after some quick background information on the fashion industry we will turn our attentions to design & illustration
October 27: Architecture
a brief discussion on what makes architecture will be followed by the design and execution of a maquette
November 24: Graphics
brand development based on the participants identity
December 15: Academic drawing
taken from the standpoint that drawing underpins all image creation and that anyone can learn to draw
January 26: Dry pastels
extending drawing into working in colour
February 23: BD (Band Dessiné or Comic Strip)
story telling through the image
March 29: Animation
character design
April 26: Film & storyboarding
the design and execution of a storyboard as the script for a short movie
May 31: PhotoShop
basic intro to the uses and abuses of PhotoShop

Registration for any of these events is via the website http://e5-portfolio.com/login/

Stephen Preece
Founder e5-portfolio

Route de Saint-Julien 40
1227 Carouge
079 654 34 51

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