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ASC WednesdayPLUS

Enter our competition to win a free place for your child on a year-long course scheduled for one hour per week (subject to availability)

With the addition of new creative classes this autumn, plus the launch of its new Wednesday PLUS programme announced recently on our website, Key English School now offers a wide range of courses, designed to help anglophone kids develop key English skills within a fun and interactive environment.  Part of the ASC Education Group, Key English School has always had an excellent reputation for its high quality language courses and first started offering English classes back in 2007.

For those who like creative writing, there is a new class in Geneva this September for 11-14 year old anglophones, run by dynamic teachers, trained in using effective strategies and techniques to help motivate, develop and challenge young writers.

Another popular course returning this year for kids in the 11-14 age range is “Speak Up!”, where students are given the opportunity to discuss, debate, present and express themselves in everyday situations. Describing the course to knowitall.ch, Key English School Director, Sarah Pralong, told us, “Parents love this course as they get to see their kids’ confidence grow just as quickly as their knowledge in these classes!”

At the other end of the age range, Key English School offers 4 to 6 year olds a Fun Phonics class that has been specially adapted for English speakers to encourage and reinforce their progress in the English language.

And from the age of 5, anglophone kids attending local French-speaking schools now also have the opportunity to develop their English skills on the new Wednesday PlUS programme, which follows the English National Curriculum. In addition to academic content, each of the courses on this programme promotes cultural awareness and understanding, and puts the English language into appropriate and meaningful context.

It goes without saying that Key English School classes are also very interesting for French-speaking shildren, keen to develop English skills within an increasingly international environment. For these children there is a separate range of classes specially adapted to their level of English, not only amongst the creative courses but also the Wednesday PLUS programme too.

Download this page to see the full range of courses being offered by Key English School, or visit the school website by clicking here.  With over 60 courses being run at nearly 20 different locations throughout Geneva and Vaud, the chances are that you will be able to find something to match your child’s needs! Prices vary depending on the total number of hours for each course, with Wednesday PLUS classes typically lasting 2-3 hours each compared to the 1-hour weekly classes being offered on the more creative courses.

competitionbutton1To give yourself a chance of winning a year-long course with weekly 1-hour classes, just fill in this form and tell us the name of the popular Key English School course where children develop their English skills through lively debate and discussions.

Only one entry per person and per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Thursday, 8 September 2016. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner’s name drawn at random on Friday, 9 September 2016. The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes.

Key English School
72, rue de Lausanne
1202 Genève
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Download course descriptions.









