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LCIS Tanzania-Group-Photo web

As part of Nord Anglia Education’s Global Classroom initiative, five students from Collège Champittet in Pully and seven students from La Côte International School in Vich were recently selected to join a special expedition to Tanzania that departed on Saturday, 1st of February and returned on Sunday, 9th February. Students from around the world traveled from their schools to a private camp in Arusha, where they took part in a series of activities designed to develop their understanding of local issues and to give them some practical experience of supporting a community. The expedition gave students the chance to discover new cultures, meet new people, explore new places and make a difference to the lives of others.

Highlights of the Tanzania Expedition included:

  • In total, 106 students from 18 schools in 11 countries were represented on the Nord Anglia Education trip.
  • The build-up to the expedition found the students gaining an understanding of local and international Non Governmental Organisation’s and a rich knowledge of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
  • Part of the project was for each student chosen to raise 600 pounds. Some of the fund-raising activities at Nord Anglia Education schools were a 24 hour swimathon and "dancing your way to Tanzania Week long trip"
  • Students built friendships with children in a local primary school and orphanage in Arusha, Tanzania, along with working on renovating classrooms and teaching a full day’s curriculum to the students.
  • They experienced an ‘Africa Day’ and engaged in a variety of activities (such as learning Swahili, glass beading, traditional Masai Dancing and cooking) provided by local people.
  • Students experienced the diverse and varied landscape of the host country by undertaking a Safari or Zanzibar excursion. They visited traditional Masai villages, discovered the history of the Slave trade, visited plantations and spice markets to learn about agriculture, and saw wildlife in its natural habitat. With presentations and talks from local businesses and organisations such as The African Wildlife Foundation, students  gained an understanding of the link between land, animals and humans as well as learning about the benefits and challenges of the present and the future.

Nord Anglia Education (http://www.nordanglia.com/)
Nord Anglia Education provides an education to more than 16,800 students around the globe. Their network of 27 international schools stretches from North America to Europe to the Middle East and Asia, with two more state-of-the-art schools launching in Hong Kong and Dubai in late-2014.

Three Nord Anglia Education premium schools are based in Switzerland: Beau Soleil (Villars), Collège Champittet (Pully and Nyon) and La Côte International School (currently in Vich, moving to Aubonne in August 2014).

Nord Anglia Education’s Global Classroom (http://naeglobalclassroom.nordanglia.com/)
The Global Classroom is an innovative educational programme unique to Nord Anglia Education where students can collaborate, inquire, create, innovate and lead. Activities take place both online and face to face.

Collège Champittet (http://www.champittet.ch/)
Located just outside Lausanne city centre and close to Lake Leman, the Collège Champittet Pully campus is over 110 years old. Led by Dr Steffen Sommer, the team at Collège Champittet welcomes 800 students from preschool through to Diploma level as day students, and from secondary school to Diploma level as boarders. Collège Champittet offers students a choice between three curricula, the Swiss Maturité (bilingual French-English), the French Baccalaureate, and the International Baccalaaureate (entirely taught in English).  Graduates of Collège Champittet are regularly offered places at top universities in Switzerland, the US and in the UK.

La Côte International School (http://www.nordangliaeducation.com/our-schools/aubonne)
Founded in 2008, La Côte International School is a co-educational, English-language day school for over 170 students between the ages of 3 and 18 years old. The English National Curriculum is taught in the early and primary years, and the International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programmes are taught in the secondary section. The school is currently located in Vich, but in August 2014 it will move to a new, purpose-built campus in Aubonne, conveniently located between Geneva and Lausanne.