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aaacademia article2 

With exams on the horizon for most children, May and June can be a stressful time not just for the kids, but the whole family too! If they didn’t know it all ready, this can be the time when parents notice that their children are struggling at school or even university, often through lack of confidence in their ability or poor study skills. In many cases, however, a little bit of extra teaching support is all that is required to give children the edge they need to pass their end-of-year exams, often with flying colors!

One organization that is dedicated to helping students with their studies is Aaacademia. Founded in 2009 by Yann Pezzuchi and Frédéric Gyger, the Lausanne-based institution uses a unique methodology, called Aaa©, to provide academic tutoring, support services and coaching to both private individuals (typically school children at primary, secondary and university level), businesses, and institutions.

Explaining the methodology to knowitall.ch, Frédéric told knowitall.ch, “Our methodology is the result of years of multidisciplinary discussion between teachers, psycho-sociologists, learning experts, coaches, pupils and students.  Since we opened in 2009, the program has been fine-tuned to the ultimate benefit of everyone involved at Aaacademia, both those providing instruction and those receiving it!”

He continued, “The first A stands for Analyser (to analyse), which means that Aaacademia is committed to identifying the unique learning profile of each of its students. This helps us to determine the exact needs of each client, which in turn can be translated into program objectives.

“The second A stands for Apprendre (to learn). This means that the person responsible for providing support is committed to creating a timetable of work, which reflects the target goals of the specific curriculum being followed.

Accompagner (to accompany) is probably one of the most important “A”’s and is what make us so successful with our clients.  Regular, intermediary evaluations are carried out with students and their parents, and their instructors, to ensure that coaching and/or academic support programs can be adjusted if needs be.”

Given the high number of international students living in the region, Aaacademia also offers academic support and coaching in English, as well as language lessons (typically French) if needs be.  For individuals it is possible to take personalized lessons in the home – but for business clients, these usually take place in the workplace. Language tuition is also a growing part of Aaacademia’s business with lessons currently being offered in English, French, German, Chinese and Russian.

Since Aaacademia was first set up in 2009, more than 300 students have benefited from its highly personalized programs of tuition and/or coaching. With a network of teachers and coaches comprising more than 350 support staff, currently made up of university students (60%), professional teachers and instructors (40%), and certified IDC coaches, it is no surprise that Aaacademia is able to find the best teacher in each case to match the individual needs of its students.

Aaacademia’s tutors are recruited through a strict evaluation process and all have a high level of pedagogical competency, relevant experience, and educational qualifications. Additionally, all staff are expected to go through the Aaa© training program.  Tutors teach students how to learn, as well as what to learn, and support them in developing their potential, which results in increased self-esteem and confidence.  Many of Aaacademia’s students are long-term clients who recognize the huge benefits to be gained from a personalized tuition program where progress is constantly assessed and teaching is regularly revised to match individual needs.

discount-button150newTo encourage more new clients to try out its services, Aaacademia is offering knowitall.ch readers 50% off inscription fees when they sign up for private coaching or tutoring classes either for themselves or for their children. To claim your discount, which is valid until 31 December, 2014, just mention this article when you make your booking.

Aaacademia Sàrl
Institut de coaching et soutien scolaire
Rue de Genève 77b
1004 Lausanne
021 624 84 42
078 725 32 74
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