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ORC Education survey

Photo by Hazal Uzuner/Shutterstock.com

Of all the themes that we are asked to cover on our website, education has to be one of the most popular. Given the international nature of our readership, coming from such a diverse range of educational backgrounds, it’s no surprise that there are so many opinions on this hotly debated topic!

And with such a variety of options now available to parents in this region – public or private, local or international - it is often difficult for parents to sift through the mountain of information available and make the best choice for their child.

Some parents, however, know exactly what they want for their child, especially if they have an older sibling who has been through the system.  They understand what works and doesn’t work for their family, and have all kinds of ideas about how things can be improved.  

If you would like to share your views on the things that really matter, especially when it comes to selecting an international school in the Lake Geneva region, then we have the perfect opportunity for you to voice your opinion!

The market research company, ORC International, is conducting a survey and is inviting parents to give their views on a range of issues relating to international primary and secondary school selection. The survey will address questions such as:

  • What information did you use when researching international schools in Geneva?
  • What were the best sources and which ones had a significant influence on your final international school choice?
  • What are the key things you look for in an international school?
  • Are your expectations and your child’s needs being met? In which areas could international schools be doing better?
  • What is your perception of international schools in Geneva?

If you feel passionate about international school education and would like to get involved in the discussion, either via a survey or focus group, click here for more information.  It’s all online, so no matter where you are, or what time of day it is, you can participate at a time and place that suits you.
And if you need any more motivation to participate, ORC will offer a special incentive to thank all those who take part in the online focus group and who qualify!

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