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La Cote Jardin d Enfants2

A bilingual early years learning programme has been created for children aged 2 to 3 years at La Côte International School in Aubonne. The new programme is a welcome option for parents, especially mothers who are looking for a flexible part-time kindergarten place for their child but who are often not granted a place elsewhere because they are currently not working. The new Early Year Foundation 0 class for children aged 2 to 3 complements the current pre-school offer at LCIS which runs from Foundation 1 (ages 3 to 4) to Foundation 2 (ages 4 to 5).

7 areas of learning

The new programme will be offered by what is effectively a Jardin d’Enfants, set up within the campus of the school. It will be based on the the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) educational programme, which prepares children for the English National Curriculum at Primary Level.  So, in contrast to those creches which adopt a less structured approach, the new Jardin d'Enfants will get children involved in activities that prepare them on a pedagogical level, helping them develop clear milestones and objectives.

Explainining the concept in more detail to knowitall.ch, Principal Wendy Ellis told knowitall.ch, “By observing and recording each stage of their development, our practitioners will guide the children through play and planned activities, to ensure that they gain experiences based on all 7 areas of learning of the EYFS programme, namely: personal, social and emotional development; communication and language skills; physical development; mathematical learning; an understanding of the world; creative development; and, last but not least, a love of literacy!”

A bilingual start in life

As part of the programme, children will be exposed to both English and French spoken by mother-tongue teachers in different daily activities.

La Cote Jardin d Enfants1

During the day they will be given time to learn through play as well as more structured activities such as singing, story telling, music, rhyming, physical movement, arts and crafts, and block building games. Children will be encouraged to explore the world around them and experiment with colour, texture and different materials. All activities will aim to nurture independence and social skills. Children will have access to their own dedicated outdoor play area and a large indoor hall for physical activities.


A typical day will follow much the same timetable as the rest of the school, with parents invited to drop off their children between 8h15 and 8h40. Planned activities including outdoor play will run from 8h15 to 12h, with lunch provided in a dedicated dining room.  Nap times and planned activities will continue from 12h30 until 15h15. A key feature of the new programme is the flexibility it gives parents to choose 3 to 5 half days at the beginning and then increase to afternoons later once their child has settled in.  Parents will also have the option of choosing to pick up their children just before lunch at 12h, or at the end of the day at 15h15.

Feedback to parents

According to Jane McGregor, EYFS Coordinator and Foundation 1 teacher, feedback to parents will be a major focus of the new programme. “In addition to daily conversations with staff, parents will receive regular online feedback through weekly class blogs, as well as regular copies of observation notes and photographs of their child’s individual learning journey, which will have been taken throughout the week.”

Feedback from parents

Some children have already had the opportunity to experience a trial Foundation 0 class last year, which proved so popular that one mother felt compelled to write to us about her experience. She said, “My Ella appears in some of the publicity photos for the foundation class - I cannot recommend it enough, she and I LOVED it!"

Another commented,"We absolutely love La Côte International School and the world class staff! My little girl is adjusting better each day, and after a little while she is really enjoying her day at school. I hear she is a chatterbox at playtime, so that is great!"

La Cote Jardin d Enfants3

Tuition Fees

Annual fees for the new programme start at Fr. 17,700.- for mornings only, and rise to Fr. 25,090.- for a full day. For further information on lunch supplements, as well as administration and registration fees, you can download the programme flyer here.

About La Cote International School

Founded in 2008, La Côte International School is a co-educational, English-language day school with over 330 students aged between 2 and 18 years old. Their international educational offer is built on the English National Curriculum in the early and primary years and the International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programmes in the secondary section, as well as a bilingual Swiss Maturité option from age 10.  The school is part of the Nord Anglia Education family of 46 schools around the world.

La Côte International School
Chemin de Clamogne 8
022 823 26 26
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