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First set up in 2010, TEDxLausanne, represents just one of the hundreds of worldwide TEDx events, organized each year with the aim of igniting discussion and ideas within communities at the local level. With a group of over 30 international and dynamic volunteers, keen to attract the best speakers in the region, you can be sure that this year’s event in Lausanne will spark the interest of all who attend, drawing the audience out of its comfort zone and guiding them to look at issues from another point of view.

You, me, us, them…we are more and more connected, through traveling, computers, networks, smart phones and everyday objects… but are we really? As information and knowledge become increasingly and freely accessible how are we bridging the gaps that create conflicts, poverty and pollution? What, how and to whom are we really communicating? What do we gain and what do we lose when we exchange? Who is innovating, and how are they doing it? What happens when interaction is lost and how do we restore it? How do we work together, and what could we do as individuals to make it better?

These are just some of the questions that will be explored in the several short talks (max. 18 minutes) under this year's theme Interface/Interact, at the Amphimax lecture theatre of the University of Lausanne, on 9 February, 2015.

The TEDxLausanne 2015 Interface/Interact talks will take place over 5 hours, starting at 14h and finishing at 19h with a closing speech and "apéro".  The current list of speakers and their talks are:

  • Ailin Conant
    Unspoken acts
  • Dan Acher
    Shaking up the city experience
  • Christèle Delbé
    Mobilising Social Change: Innovations in Mobile Technology for Business and Philanthropy
  • John Antonakis
    Let's face it: Charisma matters
  • George Kohlrieser
    How to turn loss into inspiration
  • Michelle Blanchet
    Empowered teachers: the low-cost, high impact way to change education
  • Frank Waldman
    Effortless reading...Gaining new degrees of freedom
  • Nicolas Henchoz
    Digital innovation by design: from disruption to acceptance
  • Bettina Neidhardt
    Cultural interface: harvesting differences

You can find out more about the speakers and their individual areas of expertise by clicking here. To get an idea of the type of talks you can expect to hear, you can watch a small selection of talks that have been held at previous TEDxLausanne events on their main website. Alternatively, if there is a particular subject that interests you, it is also possible to search the vast library of worldwide TEDx talks held on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/TEDxTalks.


So, are you ready to “go beyond” and “stay open”? To give yourself a chance of winning a double ticket for this special event, just fill in our competition form and let us know in which year TEDxLausanne was first established. Just one entry per person is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Thursday 5 February, 2015. The names of all those with the correct answer will be placed in a draw the following day and the winner will be notified by email. The winner’s name will also be published at the end of this article.

TEDxLausanne 2015: Interface/Interact
Université de Lausanne
1015 Lausanne
Vaud, Switzerland

Monday, 9 February, 2015, at 14h
Ticket prices: Fr. 100.- per adult, Fr. 50.- per student/AVS/unemployed

Please note that there is no parking but the venue is easily reached by public transport in less than 15 minutes from downtown Lausanne (Line m1, station “Sorge”)

Congratulations to Kirsty Deall who won the double ticket for this event!