• Airbnb Geneva
  • British Boarding Schools Show Geneva, 28 November 2023
  • Coffee and Creations


Are you ready to explore graduate programmes in a free and welcoming environment? Then it’s time to get proactive about your future at the Access Masters online event on 1st December in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

For the past 12 years, Access Masters has helped thousands of prospective graduate students find the best programme that meets their needs. Now you can finally enjoy the variety of options too. On 1st December, you will have the opportunity to talk to representatives from top-ranked and accredited schools from France, Canada, the US, and more.

The event is so full of new activities and interactive formats that you are sure to leave with a study plan in mind. But if you want more, you can have it. Participants can ask more questions and organise more meetings with schools even after the date of the event. Map your exciting future in just over two hours!

Top 3 event benefits everyone enjoys at Access Masters:

1. Personalised guidance and school orientation
Graduate schools are not a one size fits all. You need a Master’s programme that matches your needs and preferences. During the event, you will have a personal education adviser to guide you to the best programmes for you in Business, Management, and Finance. Whether you are just starting your search, or you already have some idea of what you want to study, the online event will make your choice easier.

2. Diverse workshops, presentations, and discussions
Webinars are not enough to help you pick a school. At Access Masters, you take part in a lively and interactive event with many different formats. Talk to school representatives from around the world, including ESMT Berlin, ESSEC Business School, and Hult International Business School, during personalised video tape meetings. Learn the most interesting details about various Master’s programmes during school presentations. Get ready for GMAT and other tests during practical workshops. You choose how to get to know top universities in an easy and insightful way.

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We were thrilled to recently visit Surval, an all girls boarding school above Montreux. The school offers comfort and luxury but with a cosy and friendly family atmosphere. Stunning lake views are had from every room. On the occasion of Surval's 60th anniversary, we met with the new Principal, Nicola Dudley, who was happy to give us more information about who she is and the advantages of an all-girls education.

Ms Dudley, please tell us a bit about yourself and your background?
Proud to call Scotland my home, I also enjoy the fascination and adventure of working and living internationally. After spending the early part of my teaching career as a French and German teacher and senior leader in schools in Scotland, I moved into wider leadership roles in education, and most recently I have been based in Hong Kong. How have I come to be in Surval from Hong Kong, you may ask. The school in Hong Kong could not be more different in context, scale and setting to Surval Montreux. I was both intrigued and excited by Surval, a place where I find all the elements which are important to me coming together in one unique school - the individual attention to each student, the emphasis on enrichment for personal development, the blend of culture, languages, travel and global perspectives, and all in this beautiful corner of Switzerland where I also get to revive my French! As an outdoor pursuits enthusiast, I am looking forward to exploiting the authentic opportunities for personal development provided by the beautiful outdoors environment on our doorstep.

Who has been an inspiration to you personally?
I think back to the first Headmaster I worked for and recognise the impact he had on the development of my educational philosophy. He instilled in me a deep belief in the importance of a holistic approach in schools where each member of staff has a role to play in the academic, social, emotional and wider development of the students, and the belief that every student can succeed in the right environment with the right support.


Do you want to take your career to a new level and uncover your leadership potential? Then join the Access MBA free online event in Switzerland on 11 October 2021, 17h-20h15. Sign-up now as Access MBA need time register the profiles of the registrants in order to match them with the universities.

Access MBA educates, matches, and connects prospective MBA applicants with accredited and top-ranked business schools from around the globe. On 11 October you will have the ideal opportunity to learn more about the world’s most recognised business degrees.

Speak with admissions directors of leading international institutions from Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and more. Participating universities are:

  • HEC Lausanne
  • IMD Lausanne, MBA & IMD EMBA
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • IESE Business School
  • University of St. Gallen MBA-HSG
  • Imperial College Business School
  • Strathclyde University – Switzerland
  • HEC Montreal
  • WU Executive Academy
  • HEC Paris
  • HEC Executive - HEC Paris EMBA
  • MIP - Politecnico di Milano
  • ESCP Europe Berlin
  • University of Geneva
  • IE Business School
  • HULT International Business School
  • ESCP Europe Berlin – MBA
  • University of Zurich
  • Manchester Business School
  • Duke University - The Fuqua School of Business
  • Esade Business School - Fundacio Esade
  • IESE Executive MBA Munich
  • IESE Global Executive MBA


When we were contacted by one of Izumi Takase's participants from her workshops, we were happy to find out more about iPositiveLINC. We asked Izumi to explain what she does and how positive discipline can benefit parents as well as their children.

Why did you start? What has been the inspiration?
I first came across Positive Discipline (PD) in 2013 with the book by Jane Nelsen, when my son was 11. To set the background, I am Japanese, naturalized Swiss, married twice to different nationalities. Within this multi-lingual, cultural and blended family environment, I have a son (a single child from my first marriage) who is living with us and spending half of his holidays with his father (and his new family abroad). I was also a single mom when my son was a toddler. When my son reached his pre-teen – and grew 20cm in one summer, I found myself looking up at a tall (and I’m short) grumpy/sulking boy with whom I lost my means of communication (and authority…) amongst other challenges. Our relationship was getting challenging and I was lost with this ‘stranger’ who is my son. I searched for various parenting books and came across Positive Discipline – which changed everything, much beyond my expectations.


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It was back in 2014 when knowitall.ch wrote an article about TrulyBalance at this link. We caught up with Annette Ebbinghaus when we found she had rebranded and is now offering a whole new series of online courses under the names beChill, beBalanced, and beElite.

Annette wrote to us, "I did a rebranding in 2020 as I had just successfully completed a nine year stint in the Swiss court system seeking justice for a mishap while building our family and my business a home. With this saga behind me I could focus on my passion, teaching people how live the life they really desire. I have three areas of focus and I developed an individual brand for each."

beChill for is for everything to do with education. Her main focus here is with adolescents, teaching them how to transform anxious energy into calm confidence. She has been working with teens in this capacity since 2008 and this year she begin to train other Sophrologists to deliver her program in both Australia and the United States.

She goes on to say, "What makes this course so interesting for students is that they learn about the special attributes of the adolescent brain while learning techniques to help them manage rumination, fear, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy and physical manifestations of stress. On the flip side, the high achievers that perhaps are perfectionist or elite athletes, these students learn how to give their mind a much needed break and how to reset the nervous system so they do not burn themselves out in their pursuits."