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Do you feel that the internet and computer technology is progressing so quickly that you are finding it difficult to keep up with the latest trends? Or do you simply want to understand better what your kids are getting up to every evening, locked away in their bedrooms with their computers?

If so, you should consider enrolling on a series of computer workshops now being offered in Nyon, Switzerland and Divonne, France by Cyrille Defer and Véronique Garguet-Duport.

Held at the Business Center in Nyon and above the post office in Divonne, these 90 minute sessions cover everything from how to install programs, send mail, and share pictures through to understanding social media and using iTunes.   The workshops mostly use applications that are freely available on the internet so there is no excuse for not implementing what you have learnt in the classroom sessions.

One current client, Gaylene Pomeroy, told knowitall.ch,

“I am always up for trying something new. Véronique's course caught my interest at a time when I was looking to update my computer skills in a way that would bring me closer to the same level as my kids. I was not looking for a traditional Word or Excel course and did not really even know what my gaps of knowledge were to specifically go looking for the information and skills."

She continued, “Véronique's course has been very helpful - I learn something new every week (sometimes even things my kids don't know!), the time investment works for my busy schedule (1 1/2 hours per week) and the price is very affordable and reasonable.  I now know how to do my own Doodle invitations and a cloud-based Prezi presentation, to give you a couple of examples of what I have learned, and I am only a few weeks into the program! It is fun learning in a relaxed environment without too much information overload. And, an added bonus, the course exists in both English and French as the teachers are bilingual. I am sure this course would be really appreciated by so many people!”


There are just a few more weeks of the current program left, although it is possible to book individual sessions at the Nyon center at a cost of Fr. 30.- per session.  Remaining topics for this term at Nyon include how to pay safely for internet purchases, how to prepare a paper-based photo album for family and friends, how to share your photos online, and how to make your own Christmas cards.

The computer workshops are available through the following organizations, but Véronique and Cyrille can also provide private lessons or customized workshops for specific groups:

Ville de Nyon - English
Chemin du Canal 5, Business Center, CH-1260 Nyon
Tuesday 9h00 to 10h30
Price: Fr. 200.- for 10 sessions, Fr. 30.- per session
Register: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Association Loisirs et Culture (LEC) - French
Above the Post Office in Divonne:
Monday 9h00 to 10h30
Tuesday 19h30 to 21h00
Price: 218 euros per year or 73 euros per term
Register: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Programme: http://deniaisons-nous.over-blog.com/pages/nos-ateliers-a-divonne-5913373.html

For more information on individual sessions or to find out more about next term’s programme schedule, contact:

Cyrille Defer and Véronique Garguet-Duport
Facilitators of the Computer Workshops
079 963 98 57
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.