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Many children and adults struggle with problems related to reading, spelling, and language comprehension. Factor in diagnoses like dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, auditory processing disorder, dyspraxia, and autism spectrum disorders, and it can be difficult to know where to turn for the right educational assistance.  

With almost 30 years of experience, Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes offers solutions for many learning difficulties. Their research-validated instruction addresses the global learning needs of individuals with many different learning challenges. Their instructional programs are neither age, nor year, nor performance specific; they see students of all levels and ages, including adults. They have 54 permanent Learning Centers and over 40 Seasonal Learning Clinics across the US and internationally.


According to London Centre Director, Darcie Molina, Lindamood-Bell®  instruction develops the cognitive processes that underlie reading, comprehension, and maths skills, and can also provide solutions for individuals with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders. She told knowitall.ch, “One-to-one instruction develops an individual’s sensory connection to language, focusing on process-based, intensive instruction, rather than content-based (subject-specific) tutoring. The methods used change the way that one learns to read words and process information, and can make a significant difference in a relatively short time period.”

In response to interest in their services from families living in this region, Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes will offer instruction this summer at a Seasonal Learning Clinic, to be set up in Lausanne. The instruction will be available to both children and adults and will be provided through both morning and afternoon sessions beginning 7 July through 15 August, 2014.

The Seasonal Learning Clinic (SLC) in Lausanne is just one of many provided by Lindamood-Bell worldwide, and will allow access to more families where the location or commute time may hinder the ability to attend a Learning Centre. When there are enough families in a given area that are interested in having an SLC in their community, Lindamood-Bell begins exploring that location as a short-term clinic. The length of an SLC varies from 4 weeks up to 12 weeks and beyond, depending on the needs of the community.


To provide the appropriate instruction for each individual, a learning profile must be established, which is accomplished with a comprehensive battery of assessments. This learning evaluation is analyzed and a consultation is then held to explain the individual’s strengths and weaknesses, and a plan for instruction. Each instructional plan is tailored to the specific learning needs of the individual and embodies an interactive, balanced approach.  Intensive instruction is generally recommended, two to four hours per day, five days per week. The number of weeks will vary, based on the student's needs, and according to Darcie, it is common to see years of learning gain after an average of just four to six weeks of intensive instruction.

To find out more about the Seasonal Learning Clinic in Lausanne, the public is invited to attend an information meeting being held by Darcie on Wednesday, 30 April at 10h00 at Starbucks, near the main Lausanne train station on Place de la Gare.  The team from Lindamood-Bell will also be in Lausanne conducting Learning Ability Evaluations from 30 April to 3 May. A limited number of appointments are available, so individuals interested in evaluations and summer instruction should call Darcie as soon as possible on +44 207 727 0660 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Lindamood-Bell Information Meeting
Place de la Gare 2
1003 Lausanne
Wednesday 30 April, 10h00

Lindamood-Bell Learning Ability Evaluations
American International Women’s Club
La Maison de la Femme
Avenue Eglantine 6
1006 Lausanne
30 April to 3 May

Lindamood-Bell Seasonal Learning Clinic (SLC)
Location to be confirmed
7 July to 15 August, 2014