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The International Cottage, based in Vevey, has just announced plans to expand its primary school with the creation of a new Middle and High School in 2014.

This new expansion, made possible by the procurement of new premises, also in Vevey, will enable the school to take on a further 150 students.  

The curriculum at the new school will be in English, with students preparing for IB examinations at the age of 18.  To prepare for this transition, the International Cottage will offer a full English curriculum from September 2013, with all classes scheduled to receive 4 hours of tuition in French.  To help develop children’s French language skills further, all extra-curricular activities will also be given in French.

The current school, which is located at 13 rue des Bosquets, presently caters for children aged between 3 and 12 years old and has a capacity of 45 children. These premises will become the location for the new Pre-School, providing classes for children in the 3 to 5 and 5 to 6 years age range.

The remainder of the new school, located at 4 Quai de la Veveyse, will cater for students aged from 6 to 18 years old, and will feature small classes of 14 children each.

As full details are not yet available on the school website, parents are encouraged to contact the Principal, Ms. Ruth Beck, for further information.

The International Cottage
13, rue des Bosquets
1800 Vevey
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
078 649 09 58