• Vintage Jewelry
  • Airbnb - Geneva - Your home away from home
  • Knowitall.ch advertising

Welcome to the Local News pages of knowitall.ch.  Check out this section regularly to find out about new activities being organised in your area!  Due to the bi-annual publishing dates of Know-it-all Passport, you are unlikely to find information about these activities in your book.  But you can be sure we will include them in the next issue!  Just use the drop-down menu in this section to access the news categories which interest you.

Please note that if you click on one of the sub-menus such as Leisure, you will see all the entries within the Leisure section.  If you wish to fine-tine your search further, you may select one of the categories within the sub-menu.

If you have a story to tell, be it a new club which has started up in your area, or a fantastic shop which you have just discovered, please let us know.  All you have to do is submit your news and fill out the form - it's absolutely free!