• Airbnb Geneva
  • Coffee and Creations


Risa Kunii wrote to knowitall.ch, "We are a team of students in Year 12 at the International School of Geneva, Campus des Nations who are organizing a charity concert and an art gallery to fundraise for an NGO called the Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ) which acts to protect wildlife from forest fragmentation occurring due to the palm oil plantations in Sabah, Borneo. The organization promotes RSPO-certified palm oil (sustainable palm oil) and also manages several projects including the Green Corridor Project to ensure safe passage for wildlife to migrate between fragmented rainforests to propagate their species."

Knowitall.ch posted the event on the calendar in March and were delighted to hear back from Risa after the event, "We raised over Fr. 3,000 from selling freshly made sushi sponsored by a rice company, Malaysian dessert, and other donated food and drinks. We also were able to make some more money by selling art which was created and donated by students ranging from primary students to staff that was displayed at our art gallery. A raffle sponsored by LUSH included a "furoshiki" — a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth used to wrap gifts or various items.


"The majority of the funds raised was through entrance fees for the concert. This charity concert included a diverse range of performances from primary students, middle year students, DP/CP students, as well as staff. Jazz, rock, theater, and classical music created a varied event."

Here are a few other comments from teachers that were sent along:

"What a fun and talent-filled event it was!"

"You have brought the school community together in such a special way. People were very touched by the event, by the cause and also by the energy that was generated at the concert. You and your team should be very proud of your achievements."

Congratulations to Risa and team for doing such a stellar job on organizing quite a monumental event. If you would like to know more about the Green Corridor Project fundraiser, please visit the website here.
