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Learn “French by living” and practise the language in real life situations

Successful integration into Swiss life is about more than learning French.  It’s about understanding new administrative and legal requirements as well as daily living needs such as making doctors appointments and applying for schools.  A new company called NextoYou has taken this notion to heart to ensure that newcomers make the smooth transition into their new environment.

Run by Geneva-born Irène Jarisch, NextoYou believes in integrating the learning of French with real life situations, through a “learning by living” approach.  So, instead of you going to a classroom, NextoYou comes to you, wherever you need to be, to help you with your most pressing needs – in action, be it with a business or private client.  Irene developed her method after having worked for 6 years as a relocation consultant in Lausanne.  She understands only too well the challenges faced by newcomers arriving in Switzerland!


Hope Kitisin, one of Nextoyou's clients, told knowitall.ch, “I found myself adjusting to my new Swiss life for the most part alone since my husband was completely occupied with his new position.  I had to be able to do things on my own in French - very quickly.  When someone recommended NextoYou French lessons, I knew that this was the solution for me.  Irène structured our lessons around my immediate needs and helped me through some possibly intimidating situations like speaking to the receptionist of my pediatrician's office or registering my son for the local garderie.  While it is true that many people in the Lausanne area speak English (and several other languages), I find that the local people that you have to interact with daily like the butcher, baker, dry cleaner, or pharmacist do not.  Traditional French lessons do not necessarily address the French vocabulary that you need when you are in these situations.”

She concluded, “In addition to tackling these issues, Irène brings you out in the real world and is beside you literally to apply what you have learned.  She immediately removes the hesitation and intimidation of speaking French.  I used to be terrified of answering the phone or making calls, but with Irène's help I was able to get past that hurdle.  During my first six months here, my eighteen months old son was always with me making it impossible for me to enrol in traditional French classes.  The best part about Irène is that she comes to you and works around your schedule, even when there is a curious baby running around.”


Irène told us, “Having lived in many different countries myself, including the US, China and Taiwan, I know what it is like to arrive in a new place, and feel overwhelmed by all the local customs that seem so strange when you first arrive. As a native French speaker who has learned to speak English, German, Chinese and Japanese throughout my travels, I also appreciate all that it takes to learn a new language!

"I soon found out that having someone "NextoYou" was the key to properly absorbing a new language and culture. That's why it became the ethos behind NextoYou and is, I believe, what sets my company apart from the others in the region that offer French language lessons."

discount-button150newTo help newcomers find out more about NextoYou, Irène is kindly offering one free session to any knowitall.ch clients who sign up for a package lasting 2 or more months.  Just mention this article when you contact NextoYou to claim your free lesson.

Chemin de Fénix 122
1095 Lutry (Lausanne)
41 78 606 14 45
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