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leman education april

Léman Events has launched a new program dedicated to providing valuable education resources to the English-speaking community of Geneva and Vaud. 

Called APRIL – EDUCATION month, this new platform will employ numerous methods to inform both parents and teachers about the various issues affecting children in education today.

A key benefit for subscribers will be the opportunity to receive twice-weekly blogs and regular newsletters on “hot” educational topics throughout the entire month of April, and into May.  Other activities will also be available.

parthenon classroom

What do you think about the quality of schooling in the Lake Geneva region? Do you have a child in private education here, and are you happy with the level of teaching that they are receiving? Are there any areas that you think could be improved, such as the provision for languages or extra-curricular facilities?

If schooling is a hot topic for you and you would like your voice to be heard, then you are invited by the Parthenon Group, an international education consultancy based in London who contacted knowitall.ch last week, to take part in a special survey, conducted on behalf of about 30 international schools from around the world, who are keen to find out more about the expectations of parents choosing an international education for their children.

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As part of Nord Anglia Education’s Global Classroom initiative, five students from Collège Champittet in Pully and seven students from La Côte International School in Vich were recently selected to join a special expedition to Tanzania that departed on Saturday, 1st of February and returned on Sunday, 9th February. Students from around the world traveled from their schools to a private camp in Arusha, where they took part in a series of activities designed to develop their understanding of local issues and to give them some practical experience of supporting a community. The expedition gave students the chance to discover new cultures, meet new people, explore new places and make a difference to the lives of others.

Highlights of the Tanzania Expedition included:

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A new school, which opened recently in Lausanne, is now set to open its doors in Geneva too.

The Ecole Atlas Lausanne was set up in August 2013 by two teachers, Pierric Barbier and Jerôme Pitois, childhood friends who were “passionate about offering something special and original in the Lausanne region”. Located on the Route de Sébeillon, the new school is able to accommodate up to 90 students, aged between 11 and 20 years.  A variety of English-French bilingual programs are offered, aimed at preparing students for the International Baccalaureate, the Swiss Maturity (in French or bilingual English-French), or the French Baccalaureate (in French, or the international option).  These classes are mainly targeted at expats living in the Lake Geneva region.

Founder, Jerôme, told knowitall.ch, “ Our pedagogical concept is original and it aims at recreating the diversity we find in our multicultural society. Since we opened our school in Lausanne in August last year, we have had a huge amount of interest, not just from those living near Lausanne, but also others living further away in Geneva, so we have decided to extend our offering and open a new school there too in August 2014! Our school fees compare very favorably to other international schools in the region, offering similar programs.”


With the next SAT tests scheduled for May and June, many students planning to apply to university in the US are already deep in preparation.

As a special gift to knowitall.ch clients, the education specialists, TutorsPlus, are offering a free practice test - held under test conditions - at their classrooms in central Geneva on the 1st March. Normally priced at Fr. 120.-, this is a great offer for anyone who would like an independent assessment of their progress to date.  Places are limited so please contact TutorsPlus directly to reserve a place, quoting the knowitall.ch offer when you make your booking.   

TutorsPlus' test prep courses are renowned in the area for helping students prepare for future exams, particularly SAT and ACT tests, as well as IGCSE, IB and A-Level exams.  In addition to providing personalized one-to-one tuition classes, TutorsPlus also provide dynamic group courses, run by engaging, fully trained teachers.  Their next course starts on 3rd March and includes 30 hours of classes, extensive course materials, 16 hours of invigilated mock testing, test analyses and online resources.

discount-button150newTo book your place on the free SAT practice test, or to find out more about the various options provided by TutorsPlus for SAT test preparation, please visit their website at www.tutorsplus.com/en/sat-act.php, call them on 022 731 81 48, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Don't forget to quote knowitall.ch when you make your booking!

In addition to their SAT and ACT preparation courses, TutorsPlus also provide an educational consultancy, tuition service, special needs support and IGCSE / A-Level / IB revision courses across Switzerland.

72, blvd Saint Georges
1205 Geneva
022 731 81 48
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