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A new language centre will open on Monday, 7 October 2013, offering state of the art communication facilities for those living in Vaud, between Nyon and Lausanne.

Situated on the recently opened GEMS World Academy campus in Etoy, the World Language Learning Centre will provide a stimulating and innovative range of after-school and evening classes in Mandarin, French (DELF and DALF) and English-language communication for both business use and pleasure.

The center will be open not only to students enrolled at the school, but also children (from age 7 years) in the wider community, and adults. The English-language courses will lead to internationally-recognised qualifications awarded by the world-renowned London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA).


Find out more at a special Open Day being held on 25 September, 2013

The International Cottage in Vevey is opening a second campus for its school in September 2014.

Located on the Quai de la Veveyse, alongside Lake Geneva, the new campus will enable the school to accept 145 children up to the age of 15 years old. In the future, the school plans to add the rest of the popular IB programme to their already existing Primary Years Programme, by including the Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme, and expanding their classes to grade 13. In addition, the curriculum will have a strong Green focus, based on the Green School of Bali model of sustainability.

Principal, Ms. Christine DeLuca, told us, “The outdoor space at The International Cottage will be a unique feature in Vevey. It will be an integral part of our teaching environment, bringing learning to life in an engaging way. The addition of a yurt to our outdoor area will provide students with an inspiring setting in which they can experience community and learn environmental studies.”


Image courtesy of stockimages, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Child psychologist, Alison Chowdhary, has recently opened a new practice in the region offering a range of support services for children with learning and emotional difficulties.

Helping children aged between 4 and 16, Alison’s practice is a welcome addition to the region, where it can often be difficult to find specialist support for children in English.

Alison told knowitall.ch, “My aim is to help children overcome their difficulties by teaching them strategies which can be applied both in the classroom and at home, and which will help to improve their self-esteem.  However, these strategies will only work with the collaboration of parents, teachers and special needs staff, so I work closely with them also to ensure the best results for my young clients. Having lived in Switzerland for over 20 years, I am bilingual and work fluently in both English and French."


One of Switzerland's leading centers of further education, Ecole-club Migros, has just announced details of an exciting new opportunity for those of you who are struggling with old-style French lessons and are looking for more inspirational ways of learning the language.

By teaming up with the Golf Club of Signal de Bougy, Ecole-club Migros is offering a truly innovative way of learning French that is sure to appeal to students who are fed up trying to learn the language in stuffy classrooms with boring teachers.

The new “French & Golf: Do you Speak Swing?” classes will start on 23 September 2013, and will continue over 3 weeks with an intensive program of lessons that includes 60 hours of learning French combined with 30 hours of golf.


If your child is interested in science, and wants to find out more about the world we live in, then they are certainly not alone!

A number of workshops are now being set up in the region, to help children indulge their fascination in this broad-ranging subject, which covers everything from recycling through to nuclear physics!

One club that has been running for a number of years now, but which is moving to new premises in La Rippe is the Science workshop at Anhugar school for gifted children.  Open to children aged between 5 and 15 years old, these workshops run throughout the Vaud school term on Wednesdays between 2 and 5 pm. With help from experts in subjects such as DIY, gardening, biology, chemistry, geology and physics, the workshops cover a wide range of extra-curricular topics with strong ties to science.  Both theory and practice are covered in the sessions, which are run in French and in English, and also include trips to local museums and other places of scientific interest. Click here for more information on this club, and click here to see what has been covered in previous workshops at the school.