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If you are thinking about a new school for your child but are having difficulty choosing between all the different options, then help is at hand! Over the next week, 3 schools in the region – all of which offer both primary and secondary programs – will be holding special Open Days with the aim of informing local parents about their educational programs and helping them through what can be a trememdously difficult decision-making process.

The first of these will be held this week at Haut-Lac Bilingual International School. Taking place on Saturday, 23 November, from 14h00 to 17h00, at their secondary campus in St. Légier, this Open Day will provide an overview of the school’s academic programs for children aged 3 to 18 years, and will include: tours of the school; exhibitions showcasing different aspects of school life; and interactive sessions in Art, ICT, Sports, Science and Technology.  There will also be a special presentation about the new primary school campus, which is due to open in September 2014. Click here for more information.

On Wednesday, 27 November, from 9h00 to 11h30, the Collège du Léman in Versoix will also be holding an Open House, where parents will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and see samples of the children’s work on display. Tours will be provided by students and section heads from both the primary and secondary sections of the school, and parents will have the opportunity to listen to testimonies from parents, students and teachers. This will be a wonderful opportunity to see for yourself the work which has commenced on CDL’s impressive new sports and cultural complex, due to be open next year, and which will allow CDL to forge closer ties with the community and expand its range of extra-curricular activities for students. Click here for more information.

If you are looking for a smaller school with a strong personal feel to it, then the British School of Geneva, located just a 10-minute drive from the Place des Nations at the heart of the international quarter of Geneva, may be just what you are looking for.  Come along to their Open Morning on Friday, 29 November, between 8h30 and 10h00, to find out more about their academic program, which is based on the English curriculum for 5-18 year olds, and leads to iGCSE and A-level (pre-university) examinations. During the Open Day you will have the opportunity to visit the school’s modern, purpose-built site, which includes fully-equipped science labs, ICT suites, and theatre room, and ensures all specialist subject needs are catered for.   With a maximum of 16 students per class up to Year 11, and no more than 10 students per class at A-level, this school has a very supportive atmosphere and an affordable fee structure, which make it very attractive to parents looking for a school closer to the center of Geneva. Click here for more information.

Denise Nickerson, co-author of Know-it-all passport's Education Guide Switzerland, and Director of the educational consultancy, Allegory House, commented, "If you are considering any of these schools for your children in the future, it is definitely worth your time to visit on an Open Day. Schools are busy places where teachers are usually focused on teaching and students are usually focused on learning. Attending an Open House may give you an opportunity to hear about teaching methods, the school community, and learning experiences directly from the teachers, parents, and students themselves. Visiting facilities with your child (if he's old enough) provides for great discussions at home about where he feels most comfortable and enthusiastic about learning. Did he notice the stage? The computer lab? Were the colorful displays of art the most impressive? You know your child best and visiting prospective schools will help you, as a parent, feel confident about the choices you make for him." 

Haut-lac Bilingual International School
Route du Tirage, 14
CH - 1806
St-Légier-La Chiésaz
021 943 06 60
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Open Day: Saturday, 23 November, 2013, from 14h00 to 17h00

Collège du Léman
Route de Sauverny 74
PO Box 156
CH-1290 Versoix
022 775 55 55
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Open Day: Wednesday, 27 November, 2013, from 9h00 to 11h30

British School of Geneva
Av. de Châtelaine 95A
1219 Châtelaine
022 795 75 10
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Open Day: Friday, 29 November, 2013, from 8h30 to 10h00

Editor's note, 21/11/13: We have just received notice of a fourth Open Day coming up next week.  Oak Hill school invites you to visit their school on Tuesday, 3 December, from 10h00 to 11h00, to find out more about their half-day program designed for students with learning differences such as dyslexia and/or ADD (ADHD). Click here for more information.

Oak Hill
Chemin de Précossy 31
1260 Nyon
022 354 01 40
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