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It was back in 2014 when knowitall.ch wrote an article about TrulyBalance at this link. We caught up with Annette Ebbinghaus when we found she had rebranded and is now offering a whole new series of online courses under the names beChill, beBalanced, and beElite.

Annette wrote to us, "I did a rebranding in 2020 as I had just successfully completed a nine year stint in the Swiss court system seeking justice for a mishap while building our family and my business a home. With this saga behind me I could focus on my passion, teaching people how live the life they really desire. I have three areas of focus and I developed an individual brand for each."

beChill for is for everything to do with education. Her main focus here is with adolescents, teaching them how to transform anxious energy into calm confidence. She has been working with teens in this capacity since 2008 and this year she begin to train other Sophrologists to deliver her program in both Australia and the United States.

She goes on to say, "What makes this course so interesting for students is that they learn about the special attributes of the adolescent brain while learning techniques to help them manage rumination, fear, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy and physical manifestations of stress. On the flip side, the high achievers that perhaps are perfectionist or elite athletes, these students learn how to give their mind a much needed break and how to reset the nervous system so they do not burn themselves out in their pursuits."


Mindfulness and Sophrology

I am also working more in local International schools with staff, teachers and students. Teaching both mindfulness and sophrology. Currently students can take advantage of the beChill program at Collége du Lèman with other schools in the near future.

Just before the February break I ran 9 sessions via zoom for La Côte International schools “Wellness Festival”. This was quite fun as one day I was working with 80 upper school students and the next two year 1 classes. I worked with students from Years 1 to 6, the upper school students and the staff and teachers. It was a great experience as I love sharing my passion and sophrology techniques to all ages.

The beChill LIVE online course was launched in December 2020 as it was not possible to have students work together in person given social distancing requirements. The first online program went very well with students enjoying learning these techniques from the comfort of their own home or while on vacation. Given its success I have decided to run my current programs online and will maintain these even when we can gather in person without restrictions.

As these are Live courses with limited number of participants it gives participants the opportunity to ask real time questions and to share their experiences if they choose to.

At this point I have taught well over 600 adolescents these techniques. Some in a one to one setting but for the most part in a collective course.

The two other brands of trulyBalance are beBalanced and beElite. beElite is for young athletes that want to perform at a high level in order to attend higher education as a student athlete or to be accepted into one of the Cantonal teams here in Switzerland.

The focus of beBalanced is for individuals and enterprises. The main focus here is overall wellbeing and burnout prevention. We live a fast paced life with high expectations of ourselves. If we are parents we often pass this onto our children. beBalanced is about finding the best solution to your unique situation.

As an ASCA certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Sophrologist I can help people balance themselves on three very different levels. I also use tools such as hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, cardiac coherence (HeartMath), integrative quantum medicine and massage as I am trained in each of these as well. I also work with local functions medicine doctors and nutritionist. I often recommend people work with these other doctors and practitioners alongside working with me.

beBalanced is really about changing up the E.N.E.R.G.Y.

Expansion. Expanding awareness of your body and what is telling you, your mind so you can achieve and be, your emotions for better expression of the self.

Nourish. Learning to be kind to yourself through expectations, words, thoughts and actions.

Existence. Exploring your existence from the beginning to its end. You are the creator of your life story. Are you creating the story you want to be the star of?

Relaxation. Adopting techniques that suit your personality and goals for complete mind-body rest and rejuvenation.

Groove. Using the techniques to uncover your talents, change habits and move into action.

Yourself. Moving beyond your pre-existing beliefs and self limitations.

What is new at TrulyBalance?

I am in the process of launching several online courses. At the moment these are live courses. beHappy is about increasing one’s optimism, resilience and learning how to let go of negative energy. Sleep Easy is all about getting better quality sleep which is a fundamental building block to healthy functioning organs. A new course is in the works that will be based in cardiac coherence and improving heart rate variability which is a well research definite measure of overall health. I am also launching my Positive Intelligence coaching practice. This is a fantastic program that teaches about our Saboteurs and how to activate our Sage response to improve our relationships, ability to make decisions, communications and overall health. The program is run on app with live coaching sessions which was developed by Dr. Shirzad Charme www.positiveintelligence.com. This is really a fantastic program that resonates well with business types that like to measure their progress toward balance and health.

The next beChill course will be starting the first weekend in March 2021.

Website 1400x800 lr 0573

Annette Ebbinghaus
LinkedIn: Annetteebbinghaus
Twitter: @EbbinghausA
FB: trulybalance