• Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva


Théâtre de Carouge ©David Wagnières

The newly renovated premises of the Théâtre de Carouge is now open for visits every first Saturday of the month at 11h (1 October 2022 is the next one). It’s free, just reserve in advance at this link. They will show you around every nook and cranny. Planned with the City of Carouge, the architect François Jolliet and the team of the Lausanne firm PONT12 architects, as well as all the various partners, the Théâtre de Carouge is proud of how this has turned out.

Olga Timofeeva, explains to us, "Accompanied by some members of our team, you will walk through the corridors, the foyer, the workshops, as well as the administration. The simplified spaces of the small hall and the rehearsal room located on 3,500 m2 will wow you. The large hall of 460 seats has really boosted what we had before."

The visits are free and take place from 11h-12h30.

Don't forget that The Théâtre de Carouge also hosts these upcoming shows with surtitles in English:


Art by Julia Wimmerlin, K-Syran & Dan Thomas

Katrina Syran wrote to knowitall.ch, "I’m organising for the children in Ukraine a concert in the old town of Geneva 7th of October. There will be 17 amazing artists performing. Ukrainian pop star, DJ electric violinist, pianists, rock singers, violinists, opera singers etc. Also it lasts only 1h20 so people can go for dinner after!"

The International Concert in support of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people will take place in Geneva. Many musicians willing to support Ukraine will perform on the stage in the historical heart of Geneva as a gesture of solidarity with those standing against aggression. There will be a rich, diverse and exiting program with classical, rock and pop music, Ukrainian pop star, DJ electric violinist, pianists, rock singers, violinists, opera singers, etc.

Before and after the concert there will be an opportunity to purchase Ukrainian crafts and souvenirs. All proceeds from the tickets, crafts sales and any donations raised will be managed by the Association DETI and the Geneva Branch of the Ukrainian Society in Switzerland.

Join the concert to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and to stand for peace.

We asked Katrina a few questions and hope to raise awareness for this worthwhile cause.

What has been the inspiration?
I feel this is so close to us all. Now with the news this week I also feel it’s even more relevant than ever! We all wish for peace! So what better way than through music. Music touched us all and makes us all come together.

I recently put on a concert for the children from Cambodia and Irina Chkourindina played the piano of course, we have done a few events together. She came up with the idea and here we are!

JATR22 photo 1 copy

Copyright photo: John van der Valk

With a bus transformed into a mobile workshop, musicians go to meet the public to create musical instruments from recycled materials.

A participative artistic approach that takes music out of the institutions, highlighting inventiveness and musical creativity. The fun is for everyone; it is not required to already be a musician.

Creating links in a musical experience take place over several stages:

  • recovering everyday materials and objects
  • imagining and building musical instruments
  • exploring a sound universe
  • playing in group

Two musicians meet up with the residents of Geneva neighborhoods with their workshop/bus to immerse themselves in a participative musical experience.


Copyright photo: Alexandra Tundo

Photo 3 Cie FAR TP Crédit Pierre Colletti

Monsieur le directeur comm, Photo credit: Circusography

After the success of its previous editions, Arts à la Rue, le festival éclaté, is back on the Geneva streets with even more shows.

From July 5 to August 11, every Tuesday and Thursday evening, make way for an offbeat universe. The Agrippa d'Aubigné Terrace, in the Old Town, will be transformed into a playground of discoveries punctuated by humor and tenderness.

On the program, a multitude of artistic talents where street theater, circus arts, musical humor, object theater, magic, puppetry and dance are mixed.

Photo 3 Cie FAR TP Crédit Pierre Colletti

Fil à retordre, Photo credit: Pierre Colletti


From Thursday, 9 June to Sunday, 26 June, the festival 'Pianos égarés' is back in the Geneva communes!

Come and try out one of the 18 self-service pianos available to passers-by in public spaces around Carouge, Chêne-Bourg, Cologny, Geneva, Perly-Certoux, Vernier, Versoix, and Veyrier. These musical moments in the streets and parks create new opportunities to meet and exchange with like-minded people.

piano jardin anglais