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photo kathryn with book

Recently launched novel, Death in Grondère has been getting a good reception in Verbier, the ski resort on which it is largely (but very loosely) based. The author, Kathryn Adams, like many of the characters in her book, came to Switzerland to ski and decided to stay. Originally from the north of England, she studied French in London and took a detour through the City before losing her heart to the mountains. Death in Grondère is her first work of fiction; with a sequel already in the pipeline.

Kathryn tells knowitall.ch how it the story came about, "I have wanted to write this book for a long time. Like many writers, I’m a terrible eavesdropper and so, since I came to Switzerland almost 20 years ago, I have been observing life and the people here. I have wanted to tackle the novel format for a long time and it seemed right for my first full-length work to showcase my adoptive country. One of my main objectives was to show a different side to life in a ski resort. It has such a snobby image, but the Verbier I know is a melting pot of down-to-earth, dynamic personalities of all nationalities, ages and backgrounds connected by a love of winter sports, nature, and these very special hills that they have chosen to call ‘home’.

"This book is a light, gentle holiday read, with a decent plot and entertaining characters but it was also important to me to include a lot of description about the mountains and Swiss culture: the most difficult part of the whole writing process was striking a balance between the two. My reviewers, quite rightly, thought I had overdone the scene-setting and I went through two tough re-writes. In the end, however, I felt if I cut any more it was no longer my book. Eventually, and on advice from other writers, I took the plunge and stayed true to my original concept despite being aware that some sections may slow down the ‘action’. Some readers have clearly felt that but, overall, most seem to have understood what I was trying to achieve and I have been really thrilled by their reactions. 

"Being an ex-pat but also a Swiss national by marriage, I feel I’m in a state of perpetual comparison between the country I left behind and my adoptive country; it’s not that one is better than the other, but I had great fun drawing on the contradictions to introduce humour into the book.

"I have been really touched by the reaction and support in Verbier and beyond. I have had some kind reviews and the retailers of Verbier and other bookshops further afield have been wonderful about putting on their shelves."

Launched just before Christmas, Death in Grondère immediately sold out! The second printing will arrive soon and will be stocked in more and more locations. 

Kathryn admits, "Since publishing the book, people have, however, wised up to my snooping. When I start asking questions, they look at me quizzically and ask ‘Are you collecting material?’ I’m going to have to do my spying more carefully in future!"

The story
Lucy Wilson is embarking upon her second season in the Swiss ski resort of Grondère. Through no fault of her own, she finds herself in the middle of a life-long feud and a murder investigation. Will the support of her friends and the strength of her own personality be enough to see her through the trials and difficult events to come?

photo kathryn lac des vaux

Kathryn Adams

Death in Grondère is at present available from the following stores:
Altstadt Buchhandlungs, Morat
La Cucina, Verbier
Mountain Air, Verbier
Nonolet, Verbier
Vinabagnes, Verbier

Online from YPDBooks.com and Amazon
E-book versions available on Kindle, iBook, KOBE, etc.


UPDATE 20.02.2019
Kathryn has just informed us that Payot Genève Rive Gauche in downtown Geneva is organizing a book-signing with her on Wednesday, March 27 2019, 17h-18h30.
Click here for more information.