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IIL robots1

The Institut International de Lancy (IIL) is taking robotics teaching to an exciting new level with the recent acquisition of two new humanoid robots at its campus in Grand-Lancy, Geneva.

Nicknamed, Bonnie and Clyde, the two Nao robots are just the latest examples of progressive learning that the school has introduced since it first started using robotic applications to enhance teaching and learning over twenty-five years ago.

Describing the rationale behind their recent purchases, General Director, Norbert Foerster, told knowitall.ch, “When we first introduced Lego Mindstorm robots into our classroom back in 1991, it soon became apparent that robotics teaching has the unique ability to encourage creativity, collaboration, and communication amongst our students, in a way that traditional teaching techniques can never hope to achieve.”

GEMS Catherine McKeever

Catherine McKeever has been appointed as the new Head of School at GEMS World Academy Switzerland (GWAS), succeeding Audrey Peverelli.

With a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Educational Management as well as a postgraduate Certificate of Education, Catherine draws on solid international experience gained from teaching at different schools in California, London, Dubai and now in Switzerland.

Specialized in school improvement and the development of school leadership, she focuses on empowering schools by applying simple but efficient protocols. “It is important to enable schools to make changes on their own. This leads to more and more adjustments and improvements coming from within the school and from the teachers themselves”, Catherine explains.

The environment surrounding GEMS World Academy is already very familiar to her: After having spent over 20 years in London, Catherine joined GEMS Jumeirah Primary School in Dubai in 2014, holding the position of the school Principal for two years. According to Catherine, working for GEMS World Academy is an excellent opportunity to further apply her strategies and methods within a much broader, international environment.

ASC WednesdayPLUS

Enter our competition to win a free place for your child on a year-long course scheduled for one hour per week (subject to availability)

With the addition of new creative classes this autumn, plus the launch of its new Wednesday PLUS programme announced recently on our website, Key English School now offers a wide range of courses, designed to help anglophone kids develop key English skills within a fun and interactive environment.  Part of the ASC Education Group, Key English School has always had an excellent reputation for its high quality language courses and first started offering English classes back in 2007.

For those who like creative writing, there is a new class in Geneva this September for 11-14 year old anglophones, run by dynamic teachers, trained in using effective strategies and techniques to help motivate, develop and challenge young writers.

Another popular course returning this year for kids in the 11-14 age range is “Speak Up!”, where students are given the opportunity to discuss, debate, present and express themselves in everyday situations. Describing the course to knowitall.ch, Key English School Director, Sarah Pralong, told us, “Parents love this course as they get to see their kids’ confidence grow just as quickly as their knowledge in these classes!”

LA COTE nurserysep2016
La Côte International School in Aubonne will open a new class 0 for children aged 24 – 36 months in September 2016.

As with all the school’s Foundation Stage classes, ‘Foundation 0’ staff will be working within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidelines based on the English National Curriculum. Practitioners will provide an enabling and nurturing environment in which to guide the children through their varying stages of development within all areas of learning. The school's aim is to provide a warm, loving and stimulating environment in which children can feel a sense of belonging, and thrive.

By observing and recording each stage of their development, practitioners will guide the children through play and planned activities, to ensure that they gain experiences that will encourage Physical development, Communication and Language skills, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Mathematical Learning, an Understanding of the World, Creative Development and a love of Literacy.
Alison Piguet, Head of Primary at La Côte, told knowitall.ch, "All these stages of learning and development will ultimately take the children through to meeting or exceeding the EYFS learning goals at the end of the three year Foundation Stage cycle. In addition to concentrating on the seven areas of learning, the children will be exposed to both English and French which will be spoken in class, and through dedicated language sessions. During the day children will be given time for learning through play, as well as activities such as singing, music, rhyming, physical movement, games, arts and crafts, construction, and exploring with colour, texture and different materials.  Activities will encourage independence, and social skills."
For more information visit: http://www.nordangliaeducation.com/en/our-schools/aubonne/learning/curriculum/early-years-2-to-3-years-old

La Côte International School Aubonne
Chemin de Clamogne 8
1170 Aubonne, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 827 29 13



article la dec 1

A bilingual Swiss school, Ecole La Découverte, catering for children aged 3 to 12, has just announced the opening of a new campus in Mies, scheduled for September 2017. Founded in the early 90s, this small, private school has grown in 25 years from just 13 pupils to 230, and has now increased its English-language teaching to a 50/50 bilingual level, following its recent expansion into new premises at the heart of the international quarter.

Key to the success of Ecole La Découverte has been the practice of active pedagogy, an approach which prioritizes enquiry-based learning through projects that aim to foster self-confidence, autonomy and the capacity to think for oneself. The school leadership team explained, “Our students begin by posing questions and brainstorming an activity. A process of investigation then leads to a final outcome, generated by the children. The subject matter of each project is ideally stimulated by their own interests. The students also have regular philosophy sessions, from 4 years onwards, and they participate in resolving problems and suggesting class projects in weekly class council meetings.”

They continued, "At the end of Primary, our children have learnt, in addition to the knowledge of the language, much broader skills, as they have been studying all the objectives in both languages. Furthermore, the knowledge the children has acquired in learning English, facilitates their learning of German, which is taught from the age of 8, through the Harmos program. As part of the extra-curricular program, there is also the possibility to take part in activities in Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic.”