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Guest Blogs

Knowitall.ch often invites local experts in their field to contribute to their own blogs on our site. This means not only you will benefit from the useful recommendations that we make on our News pages, but you can also profit from some of the great advice and tips that these experts have to make on their favorite subjects. Whilst each of these bloggers has been recommended to us at some point during the evolution of Know-it-all passport and  knowitall.ch, obviously we are not able to test out all the suggestions they make on their blogs, nor do we necessarily agree with all their opinions.  So if you do find one of their tips useful (or not!), do let us know!

To make these blogs more accessible to you, we have now decided to group them altogether in one section, entitled Guest Blogs, accessible from our main menu bar.  We will also post the most recent blogs on the home page of our site in the right hand column.

We are still building up this area of the site, and are looking for bloggers in a number of sections, including Your Home, Travel, and Leisure, so if you feel you have a useful contribution to make in either of these areas, and have the time to submit blog entries approximately every month, then please get in touch!

healthfirst manbikeblog

“…my hands were going pump, pump, pump.  It was so basic in a way – no fancy beeping machines, hospital bed or team of medical doctors in white coats.  Just the wet ground, me in my old jeans and some bystanders with a phone.”

Dr Penny Fraser, medical doctor and founder of HealthFirst, talks to her:

So, what happened that damp evening in December?

“I was on the way to pick up my six-year old daughter from her school friend’s party, when I turned a sharp bend in the road and saw a man lying in a hedge.  Then I saw his bicycle lying nearby and two people standing looking at him.  This looked a bit worrying to me and I thought my skills as a nurse and First Aid Trainer might be useful.  So I pulled over and parked safely a little way ahead.”

What did you do next?

“I grabbed my phone and car keys then approached cautiously wondering what I might find.  I asked the two bystanders what had happened and whether I could help.  They both looked rather blank, shocked really, and told me that they had no idea what had happened.  It was a bit wet on the ground but I just pushed into the hedge where he lay and spoke to him.   He didn’t reply and when I rubbed hard on his collarbones, he just lay there unresponsive.  I think he was about 60 years old and he looked very pale – white-ish or grey but the evening light was fading and it was difficult to tell.”

croftblog jan2016

By Debbie Croft, Croft Coaching

This is such a personal journey that there is no script to follow. There is no right or wrong way of balancing parenthood and professional life. Each person has their unique way of balancing the two, based on their own value system, needs, motivations and aspirations. The only criteria here is that you find your way, you understand your own value system, needs, motivations and aspirations; so that you design the best balance for yourself; so that you can thrive at home and at work!

Here are some tips to help you best navigate these new waters, where you become the queen of juggling and sharing yourself with many! Depending on how soon you return to work, also be aware that typically it takes 9 months for your body to return to normal, hormonally and physiologically.

johdiblog ballerina jan2016

by Johdi Woodford, Little Bird Pilates

Alignment is how the body moves; how the various parts move alongside each other to ensure that there’s no friction or restriction. Posture is static, it’s how you choose to hold your body when you’re not moving and it’s probably been influenced by your culture, your background and the activities you do.

Compare a ballet dancer to a footballer, for example. See the 2 photos in this article if you’re in doubt as to what the difference may be.

Alignment is more important to work on than posture because, with correct alignment (note I didn’t say ‘good’ alignment) what you are actually working towards is bringing all your muscles back to their optimum length, and (re)educating your body as to its best position for pain-free movement.

And why should you care? Because when your musculoskeletal system is aligned, all your body systems can function properly, for as long as possible, with the least amount of unnecessary wear and tear. Sounds good, right?

SOM Horizontal Go Month

By Virginie Dor, Space of Mine

According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, organizing is the second-most popular New-Year’s resolution, just after losing weight! Thinking back on it, it seemed to me that organizing your tangible resources, your time, your thoughts, and your energy is the key to reaching all of our other resolutions too.

It is no coincidence that the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) has named January National Get Organized month.

Still not convinced? According to a NAPO public survey, 82% of people believe that if they were more organized, their quality of life would improve.

So here are a few tips to get 2016 off to a great start:


By Dean Marriott

What would happen if you were to die tomorrow? Would the world end? Would your work colleagues be unable to recover from your absence? Or would people simply learn to cope without you?

I don’t usually start a blog with such a sombre thought, however, I think that sometimes we need a kick to wake us up: a short, sharp reality check. Life and work can continue without you – whether it’s for an hour, a day, a week or longer. So learn to accept, embrace and enjoy this freedom from time to time.  

Freedom from work and the chores of daily life has become a luxury today. Technology in our pockets mean that there is little escape. Just look around you. Whether it’s at the train station or on the train, walking in the street or by the lake, in fact where ever you go, people are looking down, obsessively checking emails, Facebook or other social media.  The modern day drug called the internet has created nations of addicts with a need to be connected. But what is this inability to switch off doing to us mentally?