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Guest Blogs

Knowitall.ch often invites local experts in their field to contribute to their own blogs on our site. This means not only you will benefit from the useful recommendations that we make on our News pages, but you can also profit from some of the great advice and tips that these experts have to make on their favorite subjects. Whilst each of these bloggers has been recommended to us at some point during the evolution of Know-it-all passport and  knowitall.ch, obviously we are not able to test out all the suggestions they make on their blogs, nor do we necessarily agree with all their opinions.  So if you do find one of their tips useful (or not!), do let us know!

To make these blogs more accessible to you, we have now decided to group them altogether in one section, entitled Guest Blogs, accessible from our main menu bar.  We will also post the most recent blogs on the home page of our site in the right hand column.

We are still building up this area of the site, and are looking for bloggers in a number of sections, including Your Home, Travel, and Leisure, so if you feel you have a useful contribution to make in either of these areas, and have the time to submit blog entries approximately every month, then please get in touch!


By Sunita Sehmi, Walk The Talk

The relationship between a mother and daughter remains constant, with their unconditional love for one another….But imagine taking this relationship into the business world? Gabrielle and her daughter, Valerie, have done just that! They have figured out how to complement each other's strengths and together they have created a contemporary bistro/boutique called L’Adresse.

The “disease to please” is prevailing in this warm, friendly welcoming restaurant. A red staircase leading you to L’Adresse has the atmosphere of a cabaret. When you reach the first floor you are far far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and you are met with chic décor, great food and a large terrace overflowing with greenery.

Tell us about yourself.
This is my first job that I ever had. Before this I was a housewife. So I had nothing to lose. I think it is so important to pass on this message to all stay-at-home mums, either because of choice, or because you were forced out by the labour market: yes, there are still ways for you to have your dream job! There are opportunities; granted, for me it was a slow transformation from housewife to restauranteur, but I had courage and conviction. Sometimes I feel all housewives have great talent but they remain hidden, as they get no exposure or recognition.

tarablog dec2015

By Tara Lissner, Swiss Gardening School

With another year coming to a close it is time to thing about wrapping things up in the garden.

Tender plants need to be moved to sheltered spots if possible, covered in horticultural fleece whether they be in the ground or in pots. Pots should be raised a couple of cms from the ground to allow for free drainage, pots left to sit on the terrace may freeze and eventually crack, this is particularly the case with terracotta which over time disintegrates into shards. While the weather remains mild why not take a closer look at your flower beds and borders, neaten them up by trimming back the old growth and add a 5cm mulch of leaf mould, garden compost or bagged mulch compost from the garden centre. Mulching at this time of year provides a number of benefits; it acts as a slow release fertilizer, as it is dragged down by worms it also helps improve the structure of the soil and finally this dressing neatens up the overall look of the bed a plus at this time of the year when the garden can look a little bedraggled.

Pension Protection Funds Image500

By Dr Graham Brown, Forth Capital

The majority of FTSE 100 Company schemes are in deficit, which is where their pension liabilities exceed their assets and it is clear that the employer does not have the means to make up the deficit in the short term. The numbers are startling according to a Financial Times article on September 7th 2015:

hiba gingerbread

By Hiba Giacoletto, Healthwise

This is a healthier recipe for gingerbread that is grain-free and vegan. The hardest part is buying the chestnut flour. After that, it comes together in just a few minutes and will make your home smell amazing!


  • 125g chestnut flour  – you can buy chestnut flour in any organic store
  • 2 tsp gingerbread spice blend (see below for recipe or you can buy a ready-made mix)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 3 tbsp almond butter (made only of ground almonds)
  • 1 tbsp molasses
  • 300 ml water
  • zest of 1 organic orange (optional)

Teddy with Head Injury500

(c) copyright HealthFirst 2015

By Dr Penny Fraser, HealthFirst

“Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases”, Ministry of Health, Great Britain 1942:
What you need to know about the flu.

As the mornings are getting mistier and the kids start swapping coughs and colds at school, our thoughts may already be turning to the winter flu season – and how to avoid it.

We use the word ‘flu’ quite freely when someone has ‘just’ a cough, bad cold or fever but actually true influenza, an infection with the influenza virus A, B or C is quite a different affliction.  Influenza, the ‘flu’, la grippe, die Grippe, Spanish fever – whatever you call it in your home, it is an illness that needs to be taken seriously.  

It is said that the way you can tell the difference between a common cold or influenza is this: You are looking out of the window from your sick bed and see a 100CHF note lying on the grass.  If you have true influenza, you just can’t get out of bed to get it!