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Image courtesy of Vlado / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

By Debbie Croft, Croft Coaching / Geneva Coach Alliance

I was reflecting on my next blog so was rather surprised and delighted when an owner of a bike shop in Rolle gave me the theme without even knowing it! I had taken it upon myself to renovate my eldest's daughter's bike from blue to bright pink, for her younger sister. All went well with the renovation (the spray paint on the wheels being part of the planned look of course!) aside from I couldn't get the seat down.

I took the bike and children into the bike shop in Rolle and the owner couldn't have been more helpful - fixed the seat to the right height, fixed the bell, adjusted the brakes, all for next to nothing. In fact, he then threw in some teaching to my 5 year old, as she tried to ride the bike in the shop: "riding a bike is like life, you have to keep moving".. .

Little did he know that his advice also gave me the inspiration for my next blog.

So, what does 'movement in life' look like? Many of you who read this may have physically moved by relocating here - is that movement enough?
You'll know the answer when you stop and ask yourself the question. Do a mind and body scan, what does it tell you? Ask yourself:
"Do I feel very much 'alive and moving' or do I have a feeling of being 'stuck', sluggish even; watching life go by from the side-lines?"
Maybe, in those rare moments of contemplation, you ask yourself, "who am I, what's next for me?"

What gives one a feeling of movement? Typically it needs some essential ingredients:

  • Doing something that challenges &/or scares you: this could be anything from overcoming shyness by going to a group meeting that you have been wanting to but keep finding a excuse not to go; or finally committing to a sports/fitness challenge
  • Completing a goal you set yourself: how many of you are still working towards goals/commitments you made in the New Year? Completing a goal gives you a great sense of empowerment. If the original New Year's Eve goal was too big for example, what can you commit to? Taking one small step and completing it will give you the motivation and confidence to take the next step, then the next, then the next.....
  • Learning, so that you feel like you are growing and are stimulated: this can take many forms, whether that is reading new material or signing up for a course. There are lots of free courses on this on-line site and one of them must grab your attention! Notice what you are drawn to as it will remind you of forgotten interests/passions: www.coursera.org
  • Discovering &/or reconnecting to a new hobby/passion: not only does this help you become engaged in something that is meaningful for you, you may also meet other like-minded people and build your social network
  • Feeling a sense of pride in yourself and achievement: when did you last feel that sense of achievement about something meaningful to you? Remember the feeling it gave you, how you felt about yourself and how you looked at life.
  • Sharing with others/a sense of belonging: what would you be doing in your own home country to create a sense of belonging?

To keep with the analogy "riding a bike is like life, you have to keep moving".. do you feel like your bike has been gathering dust? Pick one of the above ingredients and do what you may tell others to do frequently: "Just try it"


Debbie-June-2013-200The Geneva Coach Alliance (GCA) is a small team of certified Coaches with different areas of expertise, offering a full range of services, both in coaching as well as in training and consulting; including leadership development, career transition, relocation & well-being services and HR (specialising in Talent Acquisition and Talent Management). The GCA (MJ Cabanel, Debbie Croft, Esther Goette and Natalie Wilkins) all share a passion: they are committed to helping people unlock their passions; supporting and encouraging clients on their journey of discovery and awareness, to create powerful choices.
This month, the GCA blog is written by Debbie Croft. Debbie, a Career, Relocation and Life coach, is skilled at motivating individuals to build on their strengths, discover their aspirations, and find the confidence and energy to move forwards in their life. She often coaches individuals outside, near the lake or walking through the vineyards. Debbie is an accompanying spouse, living in Switzerland, with her husband and two daughters, so understands what it’s like to juggle the many demands of family life, be focused and energised about her career and make the most of the outdoor playground that Switzerland provides.

Debbie Croft
079 918 85 71