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linkedin blog

By Sarah Santacroce at Simplicity

Wow, I didn’t expect that one. LinkedIn has made a few changes recently that annoyed many of us. I’m referring to the disappearance of the skills directory and the activity feed on our profiles for example. And in fact this annoyance many users immediately was reflected in LinkedIn’s stock price: huge drop in recent months.

But this might change again with this recent addition of publishing options for everyone.

What is the ‘LinkedIn Publishing’ Platform?
If you have subscribed to receive updates from a bunch of influencers, you are already experiencing the publishing options first hand. You have subscribed to receive posts from these influencers, without being connected with them. Well, LinkedIn is now giving the opportunity to all of us to publish posts and have people subscribe to regular updates from us.

What should I publish?
Instead of just sharing short updates and links to articles, you can now create longer form posts about your expertise and professional interests. So it’s essentially like a blog within LinkedIn.

Why should I publish?
For the same reason you should blog. To demonstrate your expertise. To sell without selling. To increase visibility. To stand out from the crowd etc. etc. Every post will appear in the ‘Posts’ section of your LinkedIn profile

How do I distribute the posts?
First you share them with your network of course. If your connections comment, like & share your post, you extend your reach and people who are not in your network will be able to ‘follow’ you – and get new posts from you in their newsfeed.

Author's Bio

santacroce_webSarah Santacroce is a certified social media, internet marketing, and virtual event specialist. She enjoys every aspect of small business marketing. It is her mission to help other small businesses and solopreneurs increase their visibility and use social media tools as part of their marketing strategy.

Sarah draws on 12 years of experience in Business Administration, in fields ranging from Employee Training to Public Relations at big and small companies. She became interested in Online Marketing and Social Media to promote her own business and after lots of research and numerous classes and webinars she is now offering that knowledge to other small- to mid-sized businesses who struggle to find their place on the web.

This article is part of a series of regular contributions that Sarah will be making to her guest blog on knowitall.ch.  You can see more articles from Sarah on her own website at: www.simplicitysmallbiz.com

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