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Inside Geneva Bible Church

Geneva Bible Church launching this Sunday, 5 November 2023

We wrote about John Glass in this 2021 article about his book Calvin’s Geneva - A Walking Guideas well as his tour services around Geneva, Calvin Tours. He has told us about the new Geneva Bible Church; a vibrant, International, and theologically conservative English-speaking church in Geneva, whose signature will be verse-by-verse expository preaching of the Bible.

It has been founded and pastored by John Glass, and American raised in Geneva as an expat kid, who, for the last 38 years, has been a French-speaking church-planter in Paris and Geneva. The last church he and 5 other families founded is L'Eglise Evangélique International de Genève which is now fully independent, and who is helping to spawn the English-speaking Geneva Bible Church. Two families have joined the Glasses to help spawn this church, the Moorheads and the Tetreaults.

According to Swissinfo.ch the number of staff working for the United Nations, and in the 470 international organizations and non-governmental agencies and diplomatic missions in Geneva, is about 33,000 people. This clearly makes Geneva one of the most international cities of the world largely because of the United Nations being based here. John believes this new conservative English-speaking church in Geneva will help meet the church needs of this international community.


Like every first Wednesday of February, the public alarm sirens are tested throughout Switzerland. This test will take place on Wednesday, 1 February 2023 between 13h30 and 15h30.

In Geneva, 116 fixed sirens will be tested, under the responsibility of the cantonal office of population protection and military affairs (OCPPAM). A water alarm intended for residents living downstream of the hydroelectric dams of Verbois and Chancy-Pougny will be tested during the same exercise. The water alarm signal consists of twelve low tones of 20 seconds each, separated by intervals of ten seconds.

In Vaud, 451 fixed and 206 mobile sirens, as well as telephone alarm systems for people living in isolated houses will be tested.

The annual tests allow to verify the proper functioning of the population alarm installations. Indeed, as for any device, failures can occur. These tests are also an opportunity to check the sound coverage of the territory by the sirens. Inside certain buildings with a large number of people, additional alarms are broadcast and instructions are given to the occupants.

The general alarm consists of a continuous oscillating sound broadcast for one minute by the fixed sirens and repeated after five minutes.


One of our favorite people and favorite products has to be Lanxel Candles. Run by Lotte Lanxe, this local resident of Danish origin, founded her company a few years back and has gone from one success to another. She produces beautifully scented, minimalist rapeseed candles that can be used as massage oil as well. The candles are eco-friendly and made in small batches.

Look out for our upcoming article coming out 9 January 2023 about Lanxel Candle Workshops that will include a discount!

Meanwhile, Lotte is very busy with a multitude of upcoming workshops but wanted to get the news out about this charity volunteer opportunity for all those wishing to make a difference. Here is what she wrote:

"A French charity asked me if I would donate candles to Ukraine. I donated 250 candles and with the help of my swim group we are now making 500 candles. It's a drop in the ocean that makes me think... if I can find sponsors, we could do so much more.

"So I'm looking for people who will donate glasses such as old candle holders or small plant pots, jam jars, IKEA glasses from the 365 series, etc. or donations so I can buy more wax."


The IWPA photo award 6th edition exhibition will showcase over 30 images from 10 photographers that have been rewarded in 2022 also during this occasion, an announcement about the opening of the Switzerland branch IWPA in Geneva will be made.

Press release, Geneva, June 2nd, 2022

International Women in Photo - Switzerland Branch

International Women in Photo - IWPA officially opened its new branch in Geneva on 5th, May 2022 with four co-founding members. Senayt Santoro, President, Adeline Le Floch, Co-President based in Switzerland and Co-presidents/ Secretary Arantza Aramburu-Hamel and Laure Parise Co-presidents/Treasure in France.
With its community of over 4,000 photographers and a permanent team based in France, Japan and now in Switzerland, IWPA strives relentlessly to enhance gender equality by improving the visibility and recognition of female creators since its creation in 2003. Committed towards concrete actions for change, IWPA supports female creators primarily through its IWPA award, itinerant exhibitions in major cities of the world, its education project and mentoring program « My Photo, My Voice ».

Geneva Exhibition of the 6th Edition of the IWPA Award, June 16th until July 29th 2022
WRP Foundation - 12, rue François Bonivard, Geneva

After Paris, Dubai, Tokyo and Almeria IWPA is pleased to present the best female talents of the IWPA Award 2022 at the WRP Foundation, Geneva. The exhibition presents the photographic works of Award laureate Maryam Firuzi (Iran) and the 10 finalists highlighting their visions of social, cultural and intimate issues.

The IWPA award call running from September to October 2021, reached a final count of over 750 submissions from a record 95 countries, representing all continents and with a considerable increase in entries from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This is an important step toward reaching IWPA’s goal of promoting the work of women who lack exposure and recognition, while sharing with global audiences diverse stories about the realities of men and women around our planet. An international jury of eminent personalities from the world of photography examined the submissions.

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Photo by Prem Roshan on Unsplash

According to tradition the 6th of January, Epiphany, marks the time to take your Christmas tree down and tidy up all the decorations. If you have invested in a cut tree, then you will likely be wondering how to get rid of it ecologically. In Switzerland, each canton has various solutions. Check with your local mairie or voirie to find out what is required.

During the month of January, The Geneva City Service Voirie - Ville Propre Department will pick up your Christmas tree near you. Trees must be placed in the early morning on the street, without decorations, between 5h-6h30 on the day of collection:

  • Geneva January only: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
  • Lausanne all year: Wednesdays
  • Nyon January only: Thursdays
  • Renens January only: Mondays (see chart below)
  • Divonne-les-Bains: After the end of the year festivities, you can deposit your Christmas tree at the green waste platform - rue du Crêt d'Eau (opposite Carrefour Market) during opening hours Monday to Saturday (except Tuesdays) from 9h-12h30 and 13h30-17h

It is very important that you remove all the decorations, garlands, strings, and tinsel so that the tree can be recycled easily.