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postcard vintage hearts

The tradition of sending postcards and letters, especially with Valentine's Day nearly here, is not completely lost in this day and age of electronic emails and well wishes. But the excitement of thumbing through your letterbox and seeing a hand-written address, with a beautiful stamp, is a great feeling! Why not make a commitment to sending out at least one letter or card per month to the person of your choice? You know it will make their day and you will also be keeping a tradition alive!

Again, here is an excerpt from the latest Know-it-all passport®. Do you have your copy yet? Click here to see where to purchase your copy.

Special stamps
There are so very many interesting stamps on the market but often the post offices aren’t stocked. However, go online and order whatever you like and they will be sent to you at no extra charge. At the moment, there are some super stamps with images of fondue and cheese set on a fondue pot (see image below, 12 x Fr. 1.- stamps only cost you Fr. 12.-). Or maybe you prefer one with animals, circus, or transport? There are so many to choose from and you don't pay anything for delivery!



Here is a juicy selection of interesting violations for you to consider in Switzerland! This is an excerpt taken from the latest Know-it-all passport®. Do you have your copy yet?

Keep in mind these are the base fines; additional fees may be added by the police.

How many did you already know and which ones are you surprised to learn about?

Traffic Violations from Know it all passportXI



Our stand at last year's 10th edition... come see the KIAP 11th edition this Sunday!

Expat Expo is a prime event for Anglophone community of Switzerland. The event is intended to gather various renowned businesses, organizations, museums, clubs, service providers and buyers together, under one roof. The exhibitors will display their latest goods and valuable services for the English-speaking market of Switzerland. It will provide opportunity to build and promote brand name, create product image, build business contacts with visitors and exhibitors and create future business prospects. The visitors will get chance to see and compare the various products and services, meet face-to-face with industry professionals, learn about various products and gain valuable knowledge abut various brands and services available in the Swiss market. The Expat Expo is a must-attend event for Switzerland's Anglophone residents.


We spontaneously had a recent email come through from a repatriated family from Vaud. Lucy G. writes, "I just wanted to drop you a line as I know you are able to recommend certain companies in the La Côte region, and we have been extremely impressed with this one in particular. I have written a recommendation for them and I am hopeful that you can work your magic to "spread the word" in whatever way that you can!"

Lucy continues, "We are a British family who quite suddenly had to relocate back to the UK, and we found ourselves in the unenviable position of having to get out of our rental contract early. Upon a friend's recommendation, we sought help from Roberta Genini, from AGOODDAY relocation & beyond, and we were so glad we did. Roberta is a consummate professional who takes everything in her stride, and as a result, we are now in a good place with all the details tied up nicely, and we can move on with our new life abroad.

"Roberta was clear and up front about how the process would work, and the costs involved, which we appreciated. She worked with us on a daily basis to help guide us through the complexities of notifying the Commune, finding suitable tenants for our rental home, informing the utility companies amongst other things. In our case we had a particularly difficult check out process, and although we had built up a good working relationship with our landlords, it is amazing how conversations can turn difficult when there is a deposit involved. At one point during the checkout walkthrough I got a little emotional and Roberta calmly took over the process, ushering me into another room where I could compose myself. Throughout the check out she was happy to take on the difficult conversations, both face-to-face and via email, and she did so in a direct but professional manner.

"At every step of the way, Roberta displayed a "can do" attitude, whereby she encouraged me to take it one step at a time, and gave me sound and logical advice on how to take each step. I honestly do not believe we would be in such a good position now, had it not been for Roberta's calm, professional and informed assistance.

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Special offer for knowitall.ch readers (see conditions below)

The biggest problem with your own mess is taking the leap to let someone else see it! Some people are naturally tidy, clutter-less, and organized. Some are overwhelmed by other happenings in their life, so much so that they don't see the build-up of items around them. Shoved behind closed doors, hidden under beds, objects inserted in every nook and cranny... they know it isn't good to have so much stuff... but where to start?

Virginie Dor, founder of Space of Mine, offers a professional organizing service designed to help individuals without judgement, without criticism, without pointing fingers or blame. Virginie holds a degree in psychology and is the vice-president of the Swiss Association of Professional Organizers (Swiss-APO) and is a Golden Member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO). She not only is an expert in clutter control, work flow, space planning, and time management, but she also uses proven organizing principles to make the process as painless as possible.