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Free printable personalized calendar

Every year I print my own calendar off the computer to stick on my fridge. Yes, I know, I am very old-fashioned in this day and age of computerized this and that, but I still like to work this way.

If you are like me then I would like to recommend this free website where you can personalize your own calendar to reflect the country in which you live (even canton!) with local holidays, phases of the moon, week of the year, etc. Also, you can choose to start the week on a Sunday which is quite helpful for those who haven't yet adjusted to start the week on a Monday as they do here.

You can also enjoy our content on your phone or tablet because the website make apps for iOS and Android too.

Go to www.timeanddate.com/calendar/create.html and personalize your calendar the way you like to have it.


Growing paper calendar

If you are interested in buying a calendar (the old-fashioned kind) then I can recommend one that Catherine Nelson-Pollard showed me and I immediately ordered it for another friend. It is called Calendrier 2021 en papier ensemencé... in other words - A Growing Paper calendar.

The pages are made from totally biodegradable paper containing seeds (visibly embedded). Growing Paper prints its paper by hand in France. Once the month is over, remove it from the calendar and plant it to see your calendar bloom!

The calendar is composed of 13 pages sown with various seeds: field flowers, lettuce, poppies, carrots, and forget-me-nots. Three sizes are available and this product can be delivered to Switzerland.

Something to make your balcony or garden bloom in any season! The below website sells it but some shop (when lockdown is finished) will be selling them again.
