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Inside Geneva Bible Church

Geneva Bible Church launching this Sunday, 5 November 2023

We wrote about John Glass in this 2021 article about his book Calvin’s Geneva - A Walking Guideas well as his tour services around Geneva, Calvin Tours. He has told us about the new Geneva Bible Church; a vibrant, International, and theologically conservative English-speaking church in Geneva, whose signature will be verse-by-verse expository preaching of the Bible.

It has been founded and pastored by John Glass, and American raised in Geneva as an expat kid, who, for the last 38 years, has been a French-speaking church-planter in Paris and Geneva. The last church he and 5 other families founded is L'Eglise Evangélique International de Genève which is now fully independent, and who is helping to spawn the English-speaking Geneva Bible Church. Two families have joined the Glasses to help spawn this church, the Moorheads and the Tetreaults.

According to Swissinfo.ch the number of staff working for the United Nations, and in the 470 international organizations and non-governmental agencies and diplomatic missions in Geneva, is about 33,000 people. This clearly makes Geneva one of the most international cities of the world largely because of the United Nations being based here. John believes this new conservative English-speaking church in Geneva will help meet the church needs of this international community.

John Glass was raised in Geneva by American expat parents. His father was a businessman and his mother, Gina Lewis, was a journalist at the United Nations and hosted Freely Speaking - a political talk show on Radio 74 - for 25 years. John had an unexpected but life-altering conversion to Jesus-Christ in India in 1976. After being a flight attendant with Pan Am where he met his wife Meg, also a flight attendant, he attended Talbot and Master’s Theological seminaries in California. He holds a master’s and doctorate degree in theology, and his wife Meg holds a master’s degree and is a certified Biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

GenevaBibleChurch logo

Geneva Bible Church
held in the building of Church of the Living Savior
20, avenue Ernest-Pictet
1203 Genève

The inaugural launch service is on Sunday, 5 November 2023.
Every Sunday from 18h-19h30

John Glass (Pastor-teacher)

John was born of American parents in Paris, and raised in Geneva, Switzerland. His father was a businessman and his mother a journalist at the United Nations. He has served as a church-planter in France and Switzerland for the last 38 years, first with TEAM and currently with Grace Ministries International (GMI). In 2007 John, in collaboration with five other brothers, founded a French-speaking church in Geneva, l’Eglise Evangélique Internationale de Genève that he turned the church over to a French pastor in September 2021.

John holds a Master of Divinity from Talbot Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from the Master’s Seminary. He served as chaplain to Geneva-Servette hockey team for 16 years, and for 25 years John had a weekly French Bible-teaching radio program in Geneva on Radio 74, Plus précieux que l’or (More Precious Than Gold).

John also founded Calvin Tours a ministry that specializes in giving historical Reformation tours of Geneva. He also published a book, A Walking Guide to John Calvin’s Geneva: Following the Footsteps of the Great Reformer

John’s wife, Meg, has a Master’s degree in biblical counseling and is a certified biblical counselor with ACBC (The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors). John and Meg have three grown children, living in Miami, Geneva (in neighboring France), and Dubai.

Jonathan Moorhead (Elder)

Jonathan (USA) has been a global worker since 2008, serving in Russia (2008–2014) and the Czech Republic (2016–2022) where he was an instructor and academic dean both at the Samara Center for Biblical Training and the Czech Bible Institute. He was also a pastor in the Czech Republic and continues to teach as an adjunct professor at EBTC (European Bible Training Center).

Jonathan has an MDiv (Masters of Divinity) and a ThM (Master of Theology) from The Master’s Seminary (2000, 2003), as well as a PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary (2008). He is certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), and recently published The Trial of the 16th Century: Calvin & Servetus (Christian Focus, 2021).

His wife Sharon has a degree in flute performance from The Master’s University (2000) and is also certified with ACBC. They have five children.

Frank Tetreault (Elder)

Frank (USA) served as a global worker in the Balkans and in France for sixteen years until 2012. For the past eight years, he and his wife Barbara (CAN) have served as part of the leadership team with Biblical Ministries Worldwide, overseeing those serving in Africa and beyond.

Frank has an MDiv (Masters of Divinity) from the Master’s Seminary, a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN, as well as his certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

His wife, Barbara, is pursuing certification as well. Frank and Barbara have been married for 34 years and have three grown children.