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The upcoming Lac du Cygne (Swan Lake) exhibit that will take place from 23 September 2021 for one year, is all about the importance of the local swans to our Lake Geneva. 

The lake without its swans?

Yet, not so long ago, the swan was an exotic animal. How did the beautiful white bird become the most photographed bird on the lake? Why has this large bird adapted so well to the shores of Lake Geneva? With its majestic silhouette, the way it glides over the water, and its majestic appearance, it embodies purity, love, and fidelity. A caring parent and a perfect companion, this bird is gifted with all these virtues and is loved by all, or almost all.


Call for Swan items for upcoming exhibit

Put your items together and contribute to the upcoming "Lac du Cygne" exhibit at the Musée du Léman in Nyon planned from 23 September 2021 through 18 September 2022. In preparation for the exhibition, they are calling for loans of any of your swan items.

The Museum says, "We realized that in almost every home there is some sort of swan. Look around your home, in your drawers, your cupboards, and your attic; there is surely a swan hidden somewhere. Small or big, kitsch or classic, pretty or ugly, whether it is made of porcelain, crystal, or even crochet, they are all welcome in our exhibition."


How to contribute

Can you think if you have any of the following items lurking around your home?

  • sculpture
  • patchwork
  • painting
  • ceramic
  • crochet
  • ornament
  • glass
  • plastic
  • feather
  • photograph

Please take your swan item to the museum during opening hours to have it documented and a receipt made. Fill out a loan form with your contact information and a description of your swan. A reference number is assigned and then taken in charge by the museum. It will be returned to you after the exhibition is dismantled in September 2022.


What a great way to take part in a local exhibit, Le Lac du Cygne! The exhibit will take place from 23 September 2021 through 18 September 2022.

If you have any further questions, you can email the museum.

We are looking forward to seeing what you are able to contribute! You can bring in your swan items from now and for the duration of the exhibition, through 1 September 2022.

Musée du Léman
Quai Louis-Bonnard 8
1260 Nyon
022 316 42 50
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Opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday and holidays
April to October: 10h-17h
November to March: 14h-17h
