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VideoGeneva group

Following up on an article knowitall.ch published last August at this link, we were contacted by Jaumesse about the result of the project!

A song and video, Geneva, was released in January and after months of hard work, the team are happy to announce the project, in a long line of future hopeful projects!

The song "Geneva" is a collaboration between several musical artists: Stefano Pollastri, Geni Deli and Jaumesse. Jaumesse explains, "Half of the money we raise will be donated to an important cause which is very close to our hearts, the association "On va parler ensemble" that helps migrants and promotes their integration in Swiss society. The association teaches French to immigrants free-of-charge through conversation groups giving them the confidence to integrate."

VideoGeneva night

The video shows the diversity and variety of cultures and languages. The video starts in French, then goes to English, then to Italian thanks to the 3 organizing the project! Starring Ayooshee Dookhee as the main person weaving the thread through the video. The concept that music is an undeniable link through cultures, and can really bring people together through rhythm.

VideoGeneva Zep

A guest appearance from local celebrity cartoonist/artist of Titeuf, Zep, shows the support reaches beyond the framework!

The video can be viewed at this link or viewed here:


Geneva Together Project

On va parler ensemble