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postcard vintage hearts

The tradition of sending postcards and letters, especially with Valentine's Day nearly here, is not completely lost in this day and age of electronic emails and well wishes. But the excitement of thumbing through your letterbox and seeing a hand-written address, with a beautiful stamp, is a great feeling! Why not make a commitment to sending out at least one letter or card per month to the person of your choice? You know it will make their day and you will also be keeping a tradition alive!

Again, here is an excerpt from the latest Know-it-all passport®. Do you have your copy yet? Click here to see where to purchase your copy.

Special stamps
There are so very many interesting stamps on the market but often the post offices aren’t stocked. However, go online and order whatever you like and they will be sent to you at no extra charge. At the moment, there are some super stamps with images of fondue and cheese set on a fondue pot (see image below, 12 x Fr. 1.- stamps only cost you Fr. 12.-). Or maybe you prefer one with animals, circus, or transport? There are so many to choose from and you don't pay anything for delivery!


Web stamp
Swiss Post also allows customers to purchase stamps online and print them at home. Available since 2006, this service enables customers to design their own stamps, using company logos, photographs or text. The service is entirely free — all you pay for is the postage. It caters for registered mail and A-Mail Plus with barcode and waybill included. Users can also benefit from Swiss Post’s collection service when sending parcels.

Sending from Switzerland
Here are stamp prices for up to 100g letter sent from Switzerand. 

Within Switzerland
— Courier A: Fr. 1.-
— Courier B: Fr. 0.85
Europe: Fr. 1.50
Overseas: Fr. 2.-

SMS postage stamp 
Available for domestic A-mail items up to B5 format (25cm x 17.6cm), weighing up to 100g, and measuring no more than 2cm thick, the service works simply by sending the keyword “STAMP” via SMS to the number “414”. A code is then sent to the customer’s phone, which should then be written in the top right-hand corner of the envelope, before posting it in a letter box. The code is valid for ten days and may be used once only. It may also be requested via the Swiss Post smartphone apps for Android or iPhone. The fixed cost is Fr. 1.-.

Mailing Packages
Criteria for what is considered an envelope or a package and basic information can be found on the website. You might think that the envelope you have bought with a fancy card is standard size but be forewarned that you might get a surprise. If the post office wants to make you pay in retrospect then you might receive an invoice for the missing postage. If not, the recipient will have to pay at their end. Ask the cashier for the small green form to declare what is in a package going out of the country.

Added duty from Post
Here is the pricing model for customs clearance of postal parcels, letters, EMS mailings and Swiss Post GLS mailings.

Customs clearance prices are dependent on the value of goods and the country of origin of the mailing.

Customs clearance basic prices:

  • Austria, France, Italy, Germany zone 1: Fr. 11.50
  • Other countries zone 2: Fr. 16.-
  • A goods value supplement of 3%
  • VAT on the basis of the value of the goods
  • The maximum price for customs clearance is: Fr. 70.-

Duty Price Calculation
There is a supplement of 3% of the declared value of goods (including transport costs, not including import duties and customs clearance).
As there are so many options it is best to check the website or enquire at the post office.

Basic price
+ 3% of the value of goods
= customs clearance price.

Example from France
Parcel value of Fr. 100.-
Basic fee Fr. 11.50
Supplement Fr. 3.- (3% of the value of goods)
= Customs clearance price Fr. 14.50

Example from USA
Parcel from the USA with a value of Fr. 300.-
Basic fee Fr. 16.-
Supplement Fr. 9.- (3% of the value of goods)
= Customs clearance price Fr. 25.-


Swiss post office general information:

Swiss post office shopping for stamps and other items:


PS: if you are interested in the vintage postcard shown at top of article, then why not join Lisa for a junking excursion? See www.knowitall.ch/junking