• Alzheimer's Association
  • Cirieco Design
  • World Radio Switzerland

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Special offer for knowitall.ch readers includes 3 complimentary health sessions

The beginning of September often feels a bit like the New Year. Many of us come back after the summer break with lots of new ideas for developing both our personal and business lives, much like we do at the beginning of the calendar year.

With this in mind, the health consultancy, Peak of Wellbeing, is running a special retreat at the beginning of October, deep in the French countryside, designed to help you explore new areas of self development, both on a physical and mental level. Over two days, Peak of Wellbeing co-founders, Duncan and Jennie Delreeve, will walk you through tried and tested bespoke techinques they use every day in their clinic and for themselves.

Describing the retreat to knowitall.ch, Duncan told us, “This retreat is ideal for housewives, coaches, trainers, entrepreneurs, athletes, salespeople, parents, self-development enthusiasts or business executives. In short, anyone who has been working on their health and those who are ready to transform to another level.”

Jennie added, “Peak of Wellbeing will share secrets that, in our opinion, can help you on a number of levels. For example, participants will learn how to gain more confidence and acceptance of their own bodies, see how to remove old niggles and pains, and develop strategies that will help them stop worrying about what other people think of them….all simple things that can have a huge impact on our daily lives.”

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A new bilingual La Leche League group has been launched in the Pays de Gex, offering support to breastfeeding and pregnant moms.

The new group is especially useful for expat women who are potentially far removed from their original support networks of family and friends, and who might find breastfeeding challenging in the early days. La Leche League fills this void by connecting mothers with one another to share their experiences and encourage each other to become confident in their mothering skills, while also providing up-to-date information and breastfeeding research.  

La Leche League (LLL) is an international, non-profit organization with the mission to give information and encouragement to mothers wishing to breastfeed their babies, and is run by volunteer leaders. Accredited leaders are moms who have breastfed themselves, been trained and are keeping up-to-date on current breastfeeding research.

ceylan ayik

5% discount for knowitall.ch readers on coaching services booked before end of 2017!

In today’s high pressured, fast moving environment, it’s hard to imagine how anyone has the time to think about healthy living.  It’s all too easy to grab the first thing you find in the food cupboard and jump into the car to your next appointment, instead of investing the time in preparing something more nutritious or attending an exercise class.

To help you make this transition to a more healthy way of living, health coach and yoga teacher, Ceylan Ayik has created a new business whose aim is to empower busy women on their journey to becoming happy, healthy role models for their children, family and friends.  Indeed, she is passionate about helping them to transform their minds, health and bodies through optimal nutrition and yoga.

Ceylan’s journey from corporate marketing to yoga and nutrition coaching

So what inspired Ceylan to set up her own healthy living business in Geneva?  Ceylan explained, “Five years ago when I moved to Geneva, quit my job and became an “expat wife”, I took the time to reassess my approach to nutrition and living, and started the Fitgurme blog. Back then, I was beginning to understand how vital good food and exercise were to keep my family both healthy and happy.”

nanny 29April2017

A great opportunity for local families to help their nannies freshen up on skills!

On 29 April 2017, the Swiss Nanny Association is organizing National Nanny Training Day (NNTD) in Geneva to recognize the needs of young children and to raise awareness of the positive correlation between nanny training and quality care.

On this day, over 2000 nannies in more than 36 cities worldwide will gather in their local communities at training events designed to meet their unique needs. This grassroots organized event started in 2012 and has expanded this year to include events in Sydney, London and Geneva.

The Swiss Nanny Association (SNA) is a non-profit organization founded by nannies in February 2016. SNA aims to be the number one reference in Switzerland for in-home childcare by providing guidance education and a community to its members.

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© Samonot Photography

When it comes to celebrating secular weddings, Marylin Rebelo, founder of A Lovely Day, knows just how important it can be for couples to create the perfect ceremony.  

When she married her own husband in 2013, she dreamed of having a personalized ceremony outdoors, reflecting their own lifestyle and representing their own vision of their commitment as a couple. While they had a fairly clear idea of what they wanted, it was nevertheless very difficult to find help preparing for a non-religious celebration, as secular weddings were still relatively unknown at that time.

However, not to be deterred, she set about organizing her own wedding ceremony and what a revelation it was! Not only did she succeed in creating her own authentic and original wedding, but she felt compelled to help others organize their own bespoke wedding ceremonies as well.