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Free wash for knowitall.ch readers’ dogs the first time you visit!

A new walk-in center for washing dogs has just opened in Geneva.

The first center of its kind to be opened in this region, Doggy Wash & Snack provides a self-service grooming facility that is open 7 days a week, 12h to 20h.  So no matter when and where your dog gets into a mess, you can bring him straight into the center for a quick wash and dry, safe in the knowledge that you won’t have to bring any dirt into your home!

If you’d rather not get your own hands dirty, Doggy Wash & Snack also offers a full professional grooming service, which can be booked in advance for your dog. In addition, the center has around 50,000 accessories and 15,000 items of pet food, many of which are on sale at the center, or can be ordered through the company’s website, www.doggywash.ch. If you live in downtown Geneva, you can also take advantage of free delivery on orders over Fr. 80.-, or you can use the drive-in option to collect items without needing to step out of your car! If delivery is absolutely essential, you can pay Fr. 10.- for orders under Fr. 80.-. If you have a car and more time to browse the shop there is also a parking spot in front of the store.


Doggy Wash & Snack has been set up by local entrepreneur, Stephane Zbinden. Asked what inspired him to set up such a unique concept in Switzerland, Stephane told knowitall.ch, “It all started with my sister's new dog, Tyron, a half-American staff / half retriever, which she adopted in January 2009 when he was only 6 months old. She was his fourth owner at the time, living with her mother and me in an apartment.  Ty loves water but only lakes and sea... as soon as we get him home and try to give him a bath in the apartment it is a complete disaster.... soap and water all over the place!”

Whilst all this was going on, I finished my studies and decided to head off to Australia on a road trip.  During this time I saw a Doggy Wash facility and thought what a great idea it would be if we could have something similar here. It took me 3 years to find the right place to set up the business, but finally in February this year I was able to open the doors to our first customers!  As far as I know, this is an entirely new concept for Switzerland, but one which I feel sure will be a huge success once people get to hear about us!”


Doggy Wash & Snack has now become a family business for Stephane, with him working in the center helping customers work the machines and choose the best food for their dogs, his father doing the deliveries for the on-line orders, and his sister managing all the administration.  When you step into Doggy Wash & Snack you can be sure the entire family will attend to your needs!

Prices for the self-service washing option vary between Fr. 12.- and Fr. 30.- depending on the length of time required to wash your dog.  You can also brush your dog and clip nails outside this time at no extra cost.  Professional grooming services are priced from  Fr. 34.- depending on the breed and size of your dog. According to Stephane, customers can expect to receive an appointment within just a couple of weeks of making a call, which is a huge improvement on some grooming centers in this region!

In addition to the shop and grooming services, Doggy Wash & Snack also offers a dog walking service, with prices starting from Fr. 15.-/hour.  For those who simply need a bowl of food topping up for their cats whilst they are away on holiday, it is also possible to book home visits from just Fr. 5.- per visit!

discount button150newTo encourage more dog owners to try out their new service, Stephane is kindly offering knowitall.ch readers their first self-service doggy wash for free!  On top of that, you can ask for 15% off your first order of food, and 20% off your first professional grooming service!  You can also claim a discount of 20% the first time you use their additional dog walking or home visit service.  Just mention this article when you visit the center to claim your discount.

Doggy Wash & Snack
19 rue du Grand-Bureau
076 372 98 70
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