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How do you find a reputable moving company to ship your belongings from one country to another? That problem faced Adam Vagley when he relocated from New York City to Sydney, Australia, and led him and his co-founders to launch GoodMigrations. The company, whose tagline is “Move abroad with confidence,” provides a free, simple-to-use website for finding international movers, reading customer reviews of those movers, and getting educated on the process of moving household items to a different country.

Adam told knowitall.ch, “Most people have never moved abroad before and, as a result, don’t know where to turn to find a good mover.  The problems that occur in domestic moves, such as damaged property, price gouging and delayed delivery, can happen just as often with international moves – but there is no reason why those who are moving house should fall into the same trap as others before them!  Our website helps these people to make an informed choice, based on the recommendations of others – much like the knowitall.ch website, and its sister publication Know-it-all passport!”


Over the years, Know-it-all passport has received numerous recommendations from clients who have been fortunate to receive help from one of the many relocation agencies operating in this region.  In most cases, these clients have chosen to settle in Switzerland and have needed specific help in working their way through the vast maze of Swiss rules and regulations.

However, if you work in Switzerland, but have chosen to live in France, you will find that much of this help is irrelevant as you learn to understand the particular nuances of this country, which has its own peculiar set of customs.

Filling this gap in the relocation market is an agency that specializes in helping new arrivals settle into neighboring France.  Located in Thoiry, NJ Relocation comprises two full-time relocation consultants, Stephanie Werner Janssens, and her mother-in-law, Nadine Janssens, who work together to provide a credible support network, that works closely with real estate agents, and local schools and suppliers in the Pays de Gex and Haute Savoie regions of France.


Article written by Amy van den Dijssel

There may come a time when you leave Geneva.  Many people come and go, but even those who may have had a tough time adjusting to the slower Geneva pace in the beginning, may be sad to leave.  After seven happy years in Geneva, my husband was transferred to his company’s New Jersey office.  Although I was excited to return to the US for a few years, I was also sad to leave.   Geneva had become our home.  We moved there with a 6 month old baby girl and left with two daughters, seven and five.  Once I reconciled myself with the new adventure, I snapped into action mode.  There are a lot of things that must be done before you leave Switzerland.  As I watch two good friends follow in my footsteps this year (one to Singapore and one to Korea), I decided to put together this list:


Although we tend to focus on reporting news about new business startups in the region, occasionally we receive such glowing reports about local, established companies, that we can’t resist passing on this information to you!

One such company that has just been highly recommended to us is P.Tesaury et Fils – a small, family–run “ebenesterie/menuiserie” business that was founded in 1933 in Oron La Ville.  Specialised in providing high quality, Swiss craftsmanship on custom-designed carpentry projects, this business, which now employs 14 staff, has expanded over recent years to provide a more comprehensive service, including management of home renovation projects.

Serving the Vaud, Geneva and Valais cantons, P. Tesaury has a broad range of clients including local industries, museums and private individuals looking for the best in custom-designed interior furniture, kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors and staircases, all built with the highest quality materials.

Following the incredible ice scenes we witnessed in and around Geneva last February, Sandor Szabados, MD of local firm BTL Printing Services (and amateur photographer), will publish an up-market glossy book of photos featuring pictures from this extraordinary ice storm.
The aim of the book is simply to combine the best amateur and professional photos taken from around the lake.
Since this is a community, not-for-profit project, copyright costs will not be paid, but photographers can expect to be credited in the book next to their photos and will receive a free copy of the book, which is scheduled for publication for Christmas 2012.
If you have any photos that you would like to submit for consideration, then please send them to Sandor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by June 30 2012 at the latest.

Sandor Szabados
Managing Director
BTL Printing and Event Management Sarl
5 ch de Beau Soleil
CH-1206 Geneve
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
022 347 29 16
078 852 47 11