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GENEVA (other areas below)

During the month of January 2012, the voirie will pick up your Christmas tree. Before your floor is littered with needles, make sure to drop it with your waste so that it is recycled!


Throughout the month of January 2012, the garbagemen will pick up your Christmas trees on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at the same locations as household waste throughout Geneva.


The trees must be without decorations by the road between 5h and 6h30.


Why recycle your Christmas tree?

Christmas trees do not follow the traditional chain of organic waste recycling, but are integrated into a chain of thermal utilization accepting any remaining decorations such as synthetic sprays, glitter, garlands, or angel hair. The trees are chipped by a private company into shavings and used to create energy.


The real benefit of the operation is the thermal recycling of waste, but also represents a significant financial savings. Indeed, treatment of trees by a recycling company costs CHF 160 .- per ton, instead of CHF 261 .- per ton for incineration with household garbage. The economy performed offsets the costs of operation of the vehicle and crew necessary for the collection.


In 2010, nearly 29 tons of trees were removed and recycled to the City of Geneva.



Service Voirie - Ville propre

Rue François-Dussaud 10

1227 Les Acacias

022 418 42 00




Please leave your tree, ungarnished, by the trash during the second week of January. Look at your calendar for the recycling and find the day that the voirie passes by for the dechets vegetaux.






Collecting Christmas trees on 4 and 11 January, 2012 from 17h. You can also take your tree directly to the recycling center at 18, ch. Bourgogne during their opening times.








Christmas tree recycling
If you’re not sure what to do with your Christmas tree after the festive period is over, then the Service Techniques in Divonne will take them for you.
Just head on down with your tree to the car park next to the old train station between 7 and 15 January and it will be crushed and recycled for you.
Please make sure that you remove any decorations, in particular metal objects, before you throw out your tree.
Christmas tree recycling 
If you’re not sure what to do with your Christmas tree after the festive period is over, then the Service Techniques in Divonne will take them for you.
Just head on down with your tree to the car park next to the old train station between 7 and 15 January and it will be crushed and recycled for you.  
Please make sure that you remove any decorations, in particular metal objects, before you throw out your tree.

The Hameau du Père Noel will take trees to be recycled from December 26th to January 15, 2012.