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Executives International 1

Special discount for knowitall.ch readers at upcoming presentation on 8 February 2018!

Executives International (EI), one of the leading English-language business networking clubs in Switzerland, has reached a major milestone as it celebrates its 50th anniversary!

Since it was created back in 1968, Executives International (EI) has provided active professionals and business leaders in the Lac Léman region with a vibrant networking environment to exchange experiences and explore new opportunities. This remarkable achievement is a testament not only to the vision of its founder, Maurice Raphaël, and his fellow founding members, but also to each successive generation of members. They have all ensured that EI has adapted itself effectively over the 50 years.

Current EI President, Simon Hardy, told knowitall.ch. "In spite of the changed (and ever-changing) world in which we live and work, the founders’ stated mission for creating EI is as relevant today as it was in 1968." Quoting directly from the original EI manifesto, he added, "In today’s highly competitive world, an essential requirement for executive success is to continually upgrade the knowledge base, broaden the horizons and keep abreast of developments, not just in one’s own speciality, but also in other business activities. Very often, in pursuit of these essential objectives, executives are unaware of another essential requirement necessary for successful personal development: human contact.

Bright Green Learning Academy 1

10% discount for knowitall.ch readers on Bright Green Learning Academy’s new autumn and winter course schedule.

Now in its third year of delivering training courses in the Geneva / Nyon area (see our first article on knowitall.ch here), Bright Green Learning Academy has just announced its 2017-2018 autumn and winter schedule, which includes some great new courses!

Anybody who wants to learn how to design and run more effective meetings and workshops, build their leadership skills, and communicate and collaborate more effectively with groups, should take a look at the new schedule. 

Bright Green Learning Academy now offers more than 20 different learning modules to help clients professionally and in their personal life to become more productive by developing skills such as: facilitation competencies and methodologies; designing and facilitating virtual meetings; using learning games with groups; working interactively with large groups; strengthening cross-cultural communication; and using systems thinking to be more strategic in their work.

There is also a set of design modules that helps participants design team-building retreats, great staff meetings, strategic planning processes, multi-stakeholder dialogues and more.

You can view the full schedule here:  https://brightgreenlearning.com/academy

GCN 9Juneworkshops

The Geneva Communicators Network (GCN) is offering knowitall.ch readers a 20% discount on its one-day communication workshops being held at Webster University Geneva on Friday, 9 June.

Three workshops will run simultaneously throughout the day, from 9h30 to 16h30, on topics that are key to successful communications in modern businesses: blogging; video for social media; and public speaking.

Workshop organizer, Glenn O’Neill, told knowitall.ch, “We ran a lunchtime seminar on blogging a couple of months ago, which was really popular with our members. Seeing how effective blogging could be for connecting with their own target audiences, they were keen to find out more, so this workshop is for them, and anyone else who wants to equip themselves with the skills for this unique style of writing, whether they blog for the UN, the private sector, an NGO, or themselves!”

He continued, “Communicating through images is also an increasingly essential tool for businesses – even more so when you consider that organizations like Google are attaching so much importance to the use of video in their SEO rankings.  Our video workshop will help communicators learn how to create a video strategy, which includes planning, gathering content and preparing it for dissemination through the most appropriate social media channels”.


Closing date for applications: 31 March 2017!

Time is running out for students to apply for a place on Impact Hub Geneva’s summer 2017 internship program.

Now in its third year, the Summerpreneurship program provides talented students with the opportunity to gain experience working with impact-driven startups in Geneva for at least 3 months of the year, from June to August. It also includes a parallel summer academy placement at the Impact Hub center near Cornavin for one day per week, where students are given the chance to develop their entrepreneurial, creative and sustainability skills, through workshops, career development sessions, and mini-hackathons.

What is Impact Hub Geneva?
Created in 2015, Impact Hub Geneva provides a space where entrepreneurs and innovators come together to prototype new models for a society that works for all - connecting sectors, industries and cultural background. They offer access to an inspiring working space, a vibrant learning community, startup incubation programs, inspiring events and innovative workshops and courses.

With 200 members in Geneva and over 10,000 members worldwide, the organization provides a trusted community of like-minded peers, partners, and supporters to exchange thoughts and collaborate on projects. Their members include value-driven entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, activists, creatives, investors, freelancers and mentors who work together, share ideas and resources. They work at Impact Hub Geneva, attend and produce events, run their own workshops, access funding and mentorship, find co-conspirators and partners, participate in social networks, build campaigns, launch companies, prototype and test products…


When Seedspace took over an abandoned 19th century house in Geneva back in early 2015, it was hard to imagine then how they would go on to create one of the fastest growing networks of highly connected workspaces in emerging markets.

Now with 3 locations in Geneva, and another 22 worldwide, they have built one of the most exciting learning, working and living environments in the world, empowering entrepreneurs from all over the globe to innovate and make changes that will tackle the complex challenges facing people today.

Earlier this month, Know-it-all passport® editor, Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman, and knowitall.ch webmaster, Jenny Jeffreys, were fortunate to meet one of the founding members of the organization, Adrien Geyer, at their newest location in La Praille – needless-to-say, they were impressed!