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The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce has launched a new award scheme, the aim of which is to recognise the achievements of companies who have made an outstanding contribution towards bilateral trade and investment between the UK and Switzerland.  Sponsored by Lloyds TSB Private Banking, the new Business Awards will offer individuals and companies the recognition they deserve for achievements in the workplace.

The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) was founded in 1920 and is an independent not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting its 750-plus Members and promoting business relations between Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the UK. The Chamber provides an ideal network and platform for business people to meet one another and develop business contacts.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the Geneva Chapter of the BSCC is one of the main business organisations for the Anglophone/ international community in this region. Chairman, Michael McKay, told knowitall.ch that there are many reasons for entering the competition, beyond winning one of the prestigious awards.

“Through media and industry coverage of the event, nominees can hope to gain positive publicity and recognition throughout Switzerland and the UK.  Moreover, partners, clients and investors can’t fail to be impressed if you achieve the distinction of reaching the finalists stage!  At the end of the day, if you only attend the Awards Ceremony, it’s a great networking opportunity, allowing businesses to meet and exchange ideas in a professional but relaxed environment.”

Companies wishing to nominate themselves or others for the award should visit the BSCC website at: http://britishswissbusinessawards.co.uk/index.php/awards

The main categories are as follows:

•           Company of the Year
•           The Corporate Social Responsibility Award
•           Unsung Hero
•           Most Promising New Business / Entrepreneur
•           Excellence in Customer Service

Entries close on Friday 30th September and winners will be announced at the Awards Dinner to be held at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Geneva on Wednesday 30th November 2011.

The evening will commence with a drinks reception, followed by a 2-course dinner, Awards Ceremony and entertainment.  Companies attending will be given the chance to celebrate the success of the Finalists and Winners as well as network.

For tickets, please go to the British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce website at www.bscc.co.uk/events. If you have not booked tickets for a BSCC event before, please 'register as a new user' - www.bscc.co.uk/events

British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) - Geneva Chapter
Fiona Rhodes
Membership & Marketing Manager
The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+41 43 443 06 81