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new whattodo iconKnow-it-all's WHAT TO DO in the area. LISA’S PICK OF THE WEEK (5-11 September 2022). More events are listed on the website www.knowitall.ch under our CALENDARS. Please give credit to ©Know-it-all passport® for putting this info together if you forward it or use it in a newsletter of any kind. Thank you.

🦷 Thanks to our sponsor in the middle of this page: iDental Studio, Carouge Switzerland - Free orthodontic consultation - Free teeth whitening at the end of treatment with the code Know-it-all 2022

new whattodo iconKnow-it-all's WHAT TO DO in the area. LISA’S PICK OF THE WEEK (29 August to 4 September 2022). More events are listed on the website www.knowitall.ch under our CALENDARS. Please give credit to ©Know-it-all passport® for putting this info together if you forward it or use it in a newsletter of any kind. Thank you.

🇩🇪 Thanks to our sponsor in the middle of this page: Deutsche Schule Genf - Ecole Allemande de Genève - Bilingual school German-French from age 3 - German language courses ages 4-19

new whattodo iconKnow-it-all's WHAT TO DO in the area. LISA’S PICK OF THE WEEK (22-28 August 2022). More events are listed on the website www.knowitall.ch under our CALENDARS. Please give credit to ©Know-it-all passport® for putting this info together if you forward it or use it in a newsletter of any kind. Thank you.


📔 Thanks to our sponsor in the middle of this page: Know-it-all passport® - The ultimate guide to the Geneva, Vaud, and neighboring France areas - 11th edition still on sale

new whattodo iconKnow-it-all's WHAT TO DO in the area. LISA’S PICKS OF ⛱ SUMMER (27 June through 21 August 2022). More events are listed on the website www.knowitall.ch under our CALENDARS. Please give credit to ©Know-it-all passport® for putting this info together if you forward it or use it in a newsletter of any kind. Thank you.

🎓 Thanks to our sponsor in the middle of this page: International University in Geneva - Study for a British university degree in Geneva - Open House 12 July 2022 - Click here for more information

NOTE: Our team will be on a summer schedule so the next WHAT TO DO will be sent out on 22 August 2022. Please check our website over the summer often for new articles, news, and events. Have a great summer!

new whattodo iconKnow-it-all's WHAT TO DO in the area. LISA’S PICK OF THE WEEK (20-26 June 2022). More events are listed on the website www.knowitall.ch under our CALENDARS. Please give credit to ©Know-it-all passport® for putting this info together if you forward it or use it in a newsletter of any kind. Thank you.

🍃 Thanks to our sponsor in the middle of this page: Oak Hill Nyon — An individualised and research-based, half-day programme for students with dyslexia and/or AD(H)D, aged 7-14 years old, in a classroom ratio of 4 students to 1 teacher.