• Computer problems? David can help
  • Swiss Mobility Circle
  • Geneva Polo Club
  • Cirieco Design - Graphic Design and Marketing Services
  • Living in Nyon


Closing date for applications: 31 March 2017!

Time is running out for students to apply for a place on Impact Hub Geneva’s summer 2017 internship program.

Now in its third year, the Summerpreneurship program provides talented students with the opportunity to gain experience working with impact-driven startups in Geneva for at least 3 months of the year, from June to August. It also includes a parallel summer academy placement at the Impact Hub center near Cornavin for one day per week, where students are given the chance to develop their entrepreneurial, creative and sustainability skills, through workshops, career development sessions, and mini-hackathons.

What is Impact Hub Geneva?
Created in 2015, Impact Hub Geneva provides a space where entrepreneurs and innovators come together to prototype new models for a society that works for all - connecting sectors, industries and cultural background. They offer access to an inspiring working space, a vibrant learning community, startup incubation programs, inspiring events and innovative workshops and courses.

With 200 members in Geneva and over 10,000 members worldwide, the organization provides a trusted community of like-minded peers, partners, and supporters to exchange thoughts and collaborate on projects. Their members include value-driven entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, activists, creatives, investors, freelancers and mentors who work together, share ideas and resources. They work at Impact Hub Geneva, attend and produce events, run their own workshops, access funding and mentorship, find co-conspirators and partners, participate in social networks, build campaigns, launch companies, prototype and test products…

BGA discount1

  • Do you need to develop and design meeting and workshop agendas as a part of your work?
  • Do you find yourself facilitating meetings and workshops, or breakout groups?
  • Are you working on a big conference that brings together many stakeholders or communities to learn and work together?
  • Do you want all these events to have real results, and are memorable for being interactive and enjoyable?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then you should take a look at some of the courses being offered in 2017 by Bright Green Learning Academy (featured on our site last year). As Certified Professional Facilitators and Trainers, they are starting their new series of winter and spring courses on 23 January, with courses designed to help people build their facilitation skills, and design their meetings and workshops better, making them interactive, and ensuring they get results. (No more boring and useless meetings!)

projectpro article1

How often do you ask yourself the following questions?

-    Could I reduce my taxes more?
-    How can I best secure my family’s healthcare?
-    Is Swiss social security working for me?
-    Have I got the best rate for my mortgage?
-    Can I maintain my current life-style in retirement?

There are many financial products on the market and it can be difficult to make the right choice among such a wide range of options. Pressed for time, and with little interested in the fine detail, private individuals rarely find the most appropriate products to suit all their requirements.

In response to this, the consultancy firm, MyProject, is now offering knowitall.ch readers the opportunity to receive free, unbiased advice on a range of financial services that could potentially improve the quality of your life and help you make significant daily savings.


The Suisse Romande chapter of a nationwide Swiss volunteer organization is calling on retired professionals to help them in a range of benevolent projects throughout Switzerland.

Set up in 2006 with the support of Pour-cent Culturel Migros and the Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Lucerne – Travail Social, Innovage makes use of the considerable expertise of retired professional staff to help them in a wide range of voluntary projects where the costs of employing highly skilled consultants would normally be prohibitively expensive.

Today, Innovage is made of 9 different chapters throughout Switzerland, each with its own team of 10 to 30 retired or semi-retired professionals, typically aged between 55 and 75 years old, each keen to support volunteer organizations in whatever areas they can, depending on their needs and the expertise available.

In the past, typical projects have included replacing the computing and network infrastructure for the Alzheimer’s Association in Switzerland, helping teenagers who are between school and apprenticeship, or simply advising on the restructure of a professional team. You can find out more information on the projects in which Innovage Suisse Romande (ISR) has been involved over the last few years, by clicking here.

contentmarketing event

Fr. 40.- discount for knowitall.ch readers at Content Marketing Workshop in Lausanne on 12 May 2016

An internationally-recognized expert in the field of Content Marketing is coming to Lausanne to share her knowledge and experience at a special workshop to be held on 12 May 2016.

As a former Global Integrated Marketing Strategist for Intel, Pam Didner knows how to plan, produce and deliver global marketing success and efficiency. During this one-off workshop, she will teach participants how to evaluate their company's current content, create an editorial plan and establish a communications process with marketing peers and internal stakeholders.  She will also teach the best practices for collaborating between countries and departments to implement marketing strategies effectively.