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PWN groupphoto

Plans are afoot for a new chapter of the Professional Women’s Network (PWN) to be launched in the Geneva/Lausanne area.

PWN Global is a dynamic, fast-growing, offline and online networking and leadership development platform for professional women of all sectors and industries. With its founding roots in Europe, this volunteer-led organziation currently has over 3,500 members covering more than 90 nationalities, and delivers over 600 events a year in a community of 24 city networks.

Following the initiative of local businesswoman, Alexandra Marcoin-Karacsonyi, PWN Global is currently looking for volunteers to join a newly-formed PWN LinkedIn Group for this region. In accordance with PWN’s standard procedures for creating a new chapter, Alexandra must first set up a LinkedIn Group to gauge local interest, and to offer group members an opportunity to volunteer for the management board. Once she has 30 members in the Group and a management board, she will then be able to officially open the local network (with a local website, a management board, membership fees, statutes, etc.) and offer members the opportunity of transferring to it.

Alexandra told knowitall.ch, “Joining the LinkedIn Group early on is a great opportunity to become part of the founding management board and to determine the future direction of the network, including its mission, goals, governance, event types and programs, etc. Like other PWN chapters, this new group will provide access to the global member network, events, mentoring and training opportunities.”

Asked why she decided to set up a new network for professional women, when others already exist in this region, Alexandra added, “I have been living in this area for the past 8 years and, as a working mother of 4 kids with a high education background and 15 years of work experience, I didn't feel I was fitting in any of them. I knew PWN from before, and thought I would love to have one of their networks here, so I decided to create it. After contacting PWN Global's Community Manager, I recently got the green light to start the project.”

According to Alexandra, there are a number of factors that set PWN apart from other local business groups, namely:

  • PWN is rooted in Europe, so is a better cultural fit for European women.
  • PWN welcomes male members, whose support can be essential to change things and help women advance professionally.
  • PWN is internationally-minded, but wants to include local women. PWN’s goal is to have 50% of locally born members and 50% of foreigners/expats.
  • PWN is a network for women in senior levels, who are active in business, and they screen membership applications.
  • Entrepreneurship is one of PWN’s priorities (along with mentoring, engaging men, networking, and promoting more women to corporate boards).

Alexandra concluded, “In the intial stages of setting up the group, we really need volunteers to be part of our local management board. To give you an idea of the kind of people we are recruiting, a management board usually has a President, a VP Treasury, a VP Corporate Partners, a VP Memberships, a VP Events, a VP Mentoring, a VP Marketing & Communications, and a VP Entrepreneurs. When the network grows, we'll probably add a VP Professional Development, a VP Women on Board, and a co-President.”

If you are interested in finding out more about this new networking group, you should contact Alexandra or submit a request to join the network directly via the LinkedIn Group.

Alexandra Marcoin-Karacsonyi
PWN Gevena-Lausanne Project Lead
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Professional Women’s Network LinkedIn Group