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Below you will find a selection of the most recent entries from bloggers in our Work/Business section.

To view the entries from individual bloggers, click on the links below:


  • Claire Doole - Claire Doole Communications

    Claire is a former BBC correspondent and international spokeswoman who is passionate about helping people communicate with confidence. Since 2006, she has successfully trained hundreds of professionals in the art of presenting and public speaking, talking to the media, managing communications in a crisis, and writing for the web. In addition, she has coached C-level executives and public figures to give powerful TEDx and TED style talks in Europe and the Middle East. A Swiss and UK national, Claire trains and coaches in French and English.

  • Elizabeth Ballin - Life Coach

    As a long time member of the international community in Geneva, Elizabeth Ballin has been coaching adults and students from all parts of the world.  She has coached business professionals, musicians/artists, couples, families and adolescents.  She is a fully accredited Life Coach by the International Coaching Federation. Elizabeth Ballin, Life Coach

  • Patrick Hoza - US Tax & Financial Services

    Since 1990, Patrick has many years of experience with US individual expatriate taxation under his belt, including High Net Worth Individuals, streamline/voluntary disclosure filings and tax consulting, as well as working with large multinationals like Novartis, BP, Hewlett Packard and General Electric. He has extensive knowledge in serving both US expatriates and resident and non-resident aliens with their US tax-related issues. Patrick Hoza is a Tax Director at US Tax & Financial Services, with extensive experience in all aspects of Individual US tax and Expatriation, including Hight Net Worth Individuals and large multinationals.

    Patrick started his career in 1990 in California, with Westpro Ltd., as a Senior Tax Consultant, then spent the middle part of his career working at KPMG and Ernst & Young. During his time with Ernst & Young, he worked and lived in Russia, France and finally Switzerland. He has gained a valuable working knowledge of the respective income tax regulations in all of these countries.

    Patrick holds a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Colorado, is a member of the National Association of Enrolled Agents and is a Certified Acceptance Agent.

  • Melitta Campbell - Business Coach
    Business Coach and Mentor with nearly 3 decades of business experience and a passion for helping women confidently build a business they love. She is also the founder of the Swiss Entrepreneurs Club and president of the Swiss Riviera Toastmasters Club in MontreuxOriginally from Wales, she now lives in Montreux in a chalet she has renovated with her husband overlooking the Swiss Alps. 

  • Sunita Sehmi - Walk The Talk
    Founder of Walk The Talk, Sunita has been training, developing and now coaching Business Communication skills in both companies and educational establishments for over twenty years.  She has a passion for helping people to maximise their potential and created Walk The Talk with the sole aim to drive each and every client to perform their best.
  • Robert Harris- Forth Capital
    With over 25 years experience working for some of the major financial institutions in the City of London, Robert is a founding partner of Forth Capital, the leading expat financial advisory company in Switzerland. Regulary quoted in newspaper articles and magazines, he is well placed to advise expats on a variety of financial issues that may arise during their time living in Switzerland.
  • Debbie Croft - Croft Coaching

    As the founder of Croft Coaching, Debbie has a passion for helping people overcome challenges, embrace change and live life to the full; with an ethos of “work hard, play hard”.

  • Sarah Santacroce - Simplicity
    A certified social media, internet marketing, and virtual event specialist, Sarah enjoys every aspect of small business marketing. Through her own business, Simplicity, it is her mission to help other small businesses and solopreneurs increase their visibility and use social media tools as part of their marketing strategy.
  • Diana Ritchie - SSC Sàrl
    A Director at Swiss Career Connections, Diana will provide you with some useful tips for job hunting.

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By Sarah Santacroce at Simplicity. Free image courtesy of Renjith Krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


On my “13 Simple Techniques To Get More Leads with LinkedIn” webinar one of the participants asked:

“Should I accept invitations from people I don’t know?”

Good question. The more connections, the bigger your reach. So technically it’s a good business strategy to accept everyone’s invitation. But yet, I don’t recommend this approach. In this post I’m sharing:

My very personal LinkedIn Connections Strategy

“A contact only becomes a connection when there’s some kind of exchange between the two parties”. Click here to share this quote on Twitter

It’s not just a numbers game.

Yes, it’s true that your reach increases the more connections you have in your network. But just like on Facebook, the numbers alone won’t guarantee your success. Even though LinkedIn is a business network, don’t forget that “people do business with people”. So if you just have numbers in your network, and not real connections, you won’t get anything back from your marketing efforts.

So Sarah, what’s your LinkedIn Connections Strategy?

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Photo by Simon Whitehead: http://threebythree.ch/

Bonjour, Hello, Namaste

Some interesting research has come out regarding praising children. Researchers found that children who were given too little or indeed too much praise had low self-esteem. So can children spot false praise and why does too much and too little have the same effect?

Having lived and worked in a Franco, Indo and Anglophone set-up, praise definitely has a cultural bias, each culture having its own attitudes and beliefs concerning praise. Depending on our schooling system and our parents views, our own idea of praise is somewhat shaped by these experiences and this can have lasting effects on us later on in life….

I take the example of when I worked in London. My boss, who was a great manager, was so quick to point out when the team did something wrong, but when we were doing it right nothing, nada, not a dickey bird …

Indeed, a client I once worked with told me, when discussing the importance of praise, that when things went wrong he reacted immediately and gave the appropriate feedback…but when things went well he did not respond as promptly…

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By Sarah Santacroce at Simplicity

You know those messages you get on LinkedIn, telling you that “your LinkedIn profile is now 60% complete” ? Well, in order to achieve the 100% completion, your profile must include three recommendations or referrals given to you by others. These referrals can be from clients, strategic partners or even professional colleagues. For small business owners I’d like to increase that number to 7 referrals. Don’t ask me why 7, I don’t have a good reason for it, I just like that number better than 3. 3 is the bare minimum, 7 is the ideal number.

Why should you have recommendations on your profile?

  • Because you get more inquiries: according to LinkedIn users with recommendations in their profiles are three times more likely to receive relevant offers and inquiries through searches on LinkedIn.
  • Because people search online before they buy and will come read what other people say about your services on your profile
  • Because every time you get a recommendation, it will show up in your network’s newsfeed as well.

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Hello, Bonjour, Namaste,

I remember when I first started working in Geneva I bought a great book called “Is that what you really mean?” by Paul Hancock. The book takes 50 common errors and illustrates them with humorous pictures....and this got me thinking…(yep it happens to the best of us sometimes). With the rise of non-native speakers of English increasing at a rapid rate, clear communications from native speakers to non-native is going to put the spotlight on us English mother tongue speakers and how we communicate..

So what can we do? How can we make sure that we are understandable and our message is understood?

  • Speak slower?
  • Avoid idioms and slang?
  • Check understanding?

Yes all of the above help and have been accepted as universal tools and well documented but in my opinion what’s really important is acknowledgement from native speakers.


By Sarah Santacroce at Simplicity

If you are a small business owner who has an e-mail list and sends out newsletters, tap yourself on the back. You are doing one thing right already ! Despite all the Social Media hype, E-Mail Marketing is still a very important marketing channel. There are a few mistakes that I see regularly in newsletters though, so I thought I’d write them down:

Lack of regularity – Small businesses sometimes think that they can just send out a newsletter once every six months and expect a good “opening rate” (number of people who actually open the e-mail). Sorry to disillusion you, but if I signed up to receive your newsletter 6 months ago and never hear from you again until half a year later, I probably won’t remember who you are and just delete your e-mail. So, continuity is key to build that trust with your readers. I would say one newsletter per month is the bare minimum.

Too much info – This is kind of related to point one. The same people who send out their news only once every 6 months expect me to read their 3 page long e-mail. Most likely they will loose me after the 2nd paragraph. So not a good technique either. I recently announced to my subscribers that I will increase the frequency of my news exactly for that reason. I have too much content, articles and tips to share with them and each newsletter gets too long ! Keep it short and to the point.