A new website has been launched offering great deals for pursuing cultural and wellness activities in Geneva and neighboring France.
Online since October last year, www.bewell-now.ch was set up by local therapist, Giovanni Boschetti, an independent practitioner with over 15 years of experience, employing techniques such as Reflexology, the Grinberg Method, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Self-protection Tatout.
Asked why he decided to set up the new website, Giovanni told knowitall.ch, “Having worked in the health business here for many years, I can see that there is a vast range of original cultural and wellness opportunities for people living in this region. However, it is strange that the general public appears largely unaware of them, or is reluctant to try out some of the original ideas for self-improvement and growth that exist here. My goal with this website is to share this information with the general public and create a link between the local community and service providers by offering deals at attractive prices, which are more likely to tempt potential clients to try out new services. At the same time, I hope to support what I believe represents an incredible regional heritage.”
The following photos show the Winners and Runners-up for the AMATEUR PHOTO COMPETITION FOR KNOW-IT-ALL PASSPORT® 2015/2016.
With around 400 entries, there was a fantastic choice so we would also like to show some that almost made it into the book! The first section shows the Winners, and the second shows the Runners-up photos and how they would have looked if they had been printed in the book.
Click on each of the photos to see an enlarged view.
Each of the winners and runners-up will be invited to see the next edition of Know-it-all passport ® 2015/2016 going to print - more details to follow!
A new English-speaking support group has been set up in Lausanne to help people deal better with the challenges of living with an alcoholic. The aim of the group is to provide support for the families and friends of problem drinkers, and guide them towards making healthier choices and finding happiness in their lives, regardless of whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
Part of the international Al-Anon network of associations, the new group has been set up specifically to help the English-speaking community, amongst whom there are alcoholics with families and friends, who are in despair, feel hopeless, and unable to believe that things can ever change. One Al-Anon member of the group told knowitall.ch, “We want our lives to be different, but nothing we have done has brought about change. We all come to Al-Anon because we want and need help.”
Do you take beautiful or unusual photos?
Would you like to see your photograph published in the new edition of Know-it-all passport® 2015/2016 due out end-of-August this year? Click here to see the winners in the last edition.
Here is the table of contents we will have for this 9th edition and we need one photo per section (8 in all). The photo will be used as a category separator like in the example photos above. (See below for rules and prizes.)
A new book has just been published outlining everything you need to know about looking after babies between the ages of 0 and 3 years.
Written from the perspective of a young father, Cyril Jost, “L’essentiel sur les bébés” presents a simple and precise overview of key topics such as breastfeeding, nutrition, sleep, nappy training, and development. With the support of more than 80 original infographs and amusing illustrations by another local Dad, Pierre Wazem, the book attempts to offer “the facts” on babies in a truly non-partisan way, which neither lectures nor pre-judges parents for the choices they make.
Asked why he decided to write this book now, Cyril told knowitall.ch “As a former journalist, now working for a big publishing firm in Lausanne, I have a penchant for “facts” and wrote my first book on economics in 2007. With the arrival of my 2 daughters, now aged 2 and 4, I looked high and low in the bookstores for an informative book on babies, without all the “tips", “suggestions" and sometimes biased recommendations you get when you become a parent. However, despite the huge number of books on this subject, nothing satisfied my need for precise, factual information.”