• International Institute in Geneva
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  • https://voteabroad.org/ccCHtheKnow24
  • https://schoolsshow.co.uk/boarding-schools-show/geneva
  • Geneva English School

Healthy Eating Top copy

By Laraba Friedman, Balanced Healing

As I celebrated the New Year with my family, I asked each one of them what they would like to give back – the answers were:

  • to continue to raise money for a friend’s education in Africa
  • to lower personal plastic consumption
  • to be vegan 2 x week (at least)
  • to continue eradicating waste at school through a special committee
  • and to befriend an older person in the community.

I was proud. As for me, I want to continue on my minimization of plastics and to create a pace where I am able to enjoy the moments without wishing them away. And… because of who I am, I want to continue my adventure to a healthier gut!

Where are you with your thoughts for 2019?

Want to join me on the path of a healthier gut (and mind)? If so, I invite you to participate in one of my Healthy GUT….Healthy YOU, 4 week workshops starting 17 January.

This course is a great way to get to know your body (and its limits) and to take note of what is over ‘committing’ in the physical and emotional sense.

I recommend people do my workshop twice a year, as it gets you back to basics and thinking about a healthier way of living. If you have already done one course then why not try it again? You do have the tools but from personal experience, it’s much easier to do it with others.


An orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, specialising in the treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis, fractures, as well as ligamentary lesions of the knee has recently been recommended to knowitall.ch. Dr. John McManus holds the post of consultant surgeon and joint head of the department of orthopaedic and trauma surgery at the Nyon Hospital (Groupement Hospitalier de l'Ouest Lémanique - GHOL) since June this year.

Dr. McManus completed his undergraduate studies at Queen’s University Belfast, in the United Kingdom, obtaining his medical degree in 2007, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy with first class honours, followed by a Masters in Applied Biomechanics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Following two years as a junior doctor at the university hospitals in Belfast, Dr. McManus began his training in orthopaedics and trauma surgery at CHUV — Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in 2009, caring for patients with traumatic and degenerative conditions of the musculoskeletal system.

After two years as chief resident at the Riviera Chablais Hospital, with a large experience in general orthopaedics and trauma surgery, he returned to CHUV where he specialised in the care of patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis, as well as complications after prosthetic surgery. He also has specialised training for the care of patients with ligamentary or meniscal lesions of the knee. He also has a wide experience in general orthopaedic and trauma surgery.


Come and discover, learn, create, taste, and dream amazing moments for the day of your wedding.

Dites-vous OUI or "Say YES!" is a unique concept for those preparing their special day. Not only will you be romanced by the setting, but you will be spend an evening with your to-be partner tasting, testing, and partaking in all things related to your event.

Held at the beautiful Portes des Iris, a spectacular 16th century farmhouse, elegantly renovated, combining authenticity and modernity, this intimate evening will allow you to discover the world of all things related to marriage.

  • Dress and suit fittings
  • Hair and makeup
  • Workshops about being pampered
  • Test out your dancing skills
  • Tastings of sweet and savoury delicacies
  • Wines and cocktail tastings
  • Music selection
  • Beauty tests
  • Decorated table settings, setting the scene for the ceremony, and much more will help you make the right choice for your special day.


Since time began, security blankets and soft toys have been the bane of most parents' existence. The dependance and comfort a child gets from this attachment has long been studied by doctors, scientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists! They refer to them as transitional psychological supports that give concrete emotional reassurance. Yes, on one hand, there are real advantages; on the other, tantrums and stress when they are lost, missing, in the wash, or tattered to the point of no return can be disturbing. A beloved stuffed animal, a soft edged blanket, or a scrap of fabric that is unrecognizable to the average beholder is a must-have accessory in the sight of the youngster!

In English, the proper names and synonyms are often altered by the child but start off as:

  • blankie
  • softie
  • comfie

In French, they fall under the following appellations:

  • doudou
  • toutou
  • nin-nin
  • peluche

Of course, these names are often renamed by the child.


Christiane Raza Romana's Pilates studio in Morges

What exactly is Pilates?

Joseph Pilates (JP, 1883-1967) was a German physical trainer and invented the "Contrologie" known as Pilates: a method that brings together hundreds of movements using gentle and precise physical exercises that require a total concentration of "body and mind". Pilates is performed on the ground, mat, or on machines by systematically engaging the deep muscles of the abdominal strap "powerhouse" in order to stretch and simultaneously tone the whole body. This is why this discipline (both authentic and classical types) is practiced without music. The program will gently reshape and rebalance the body, and bring wellbeing through self-centering in less than one hour.

This discipline can be practiced from age 16 for as long as you are able, and at any level. Athletic or not, a clear improvement in physical performance and a gain of flexibility will be visible and felt.

JP's priority was to keep your body in shape and improve your daily life through individual programs. He worked tirelessly all his life to perfect his movements and invent his own machines. Romana Kryzanowska, one of his pupils, managed to pass on this pure teaching by opening the training school "Romana's Pilates" around the world.

Christiane Razakarivony, Christiane Raza Romana's Pilates, has been athletic since a child, and graduated as a fitness instructor from "Les Mills" in 1999. She decided to join Romana's Pilates in 2013 and is certified to teach. She boasts, "I am nearly 47 but my body has regained its flexibility of when I was a teenager!". She remains loyal to the CPE (Continuing Pilates Education), which encourages instructors to deepen what they have learned over 6 and 24 months (depending on their availability and location) as well as attend an annual conference that helps to better understand all aspects and focus of what JP has put a lifetime, and how to teach the same exercises differently on different bodies: the result should be the same — a healthy mind in a healthy body. She believes that this is a sport that exceeds all other sports she's tried (judo, swimming, gymnastics, dance, tennis, karate, triathlon).