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Did you know that if you live in neighboring France, or one of the cantons of Geneva close to but not including Geneva and Vaud, you are eligible to a variety of discounts when you fly from Geneva airport?

If not, then you should check out this webpage on the Geneva airport website for more information: http://www.gva.ch/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-40/ and make sure to fill out the form well in advance of your trip.

If you live in the French departments of Ain or Haute Savoie, or one of the nearby Swiss cantons such as Fribourg, Jura, Neuchâtel, Bern, or Valais, you stand to make significant savings when you travel through Geneva airport on business or holiday.


When you look at the website statistics for knowitall.ch one of the results that stands out the most is the number of hits we get in our travel pages, in particular the car rental section.  

Given that we live in such an international region, with people and coming going all the time, this should not be that surprising.  With travelers arriving at Geneva Airport all the time, be they business colleagues or family and friends, there is clearly a need for high quality transport services in this region.

One company that has been operating in Geneva for 15 years is GMC-Limousines.  A family-run business, managed by Ricardo Fraga, GMC-Limousines has a large fleet of 8 luxury chauffeur-driven cars available for rent on flexible hourly, daily or per kilometer rates.  All drivers have professional licences and are members of the two main limousine associations, AGELLMC and NLA.


As the Christmas holidays approach, many of you will be traveling abroad, either heading back home to visit family and friends with bags full of presents, or returning from university carrying rucksacks laden with heavy bags. Some of you may just be taking a well-earned break in the sun!

The chances are that some of you will have excess baggage or oversized luggage that will need shipping to your destination. With some flight operators, the cost of placing this luggage in the hold can be so prohibitive that you end up having to leave many of your belongings behind.


If you are planning to collect anyone from Geneva Airport, then you should be aware of the new arrangements now in place for picking people up.

The small, short stay car park (P2) situated on the arrivals level of the airport has, from 1 October 2012, been relocated temporarily to the first underground level (-1) of the main car park (P1 Illimté).  The new car park, which will have provision for the same number of parking places and will cost the same as before, will remain in place until the end of March 2013.

Whilst these changes are in place, a new system of signs will direct visitors to the car park, to avoid any confusion.   The changes are due to ongoing works at the airport, which are scheduled to finish at the end of 2014.

From 1 July 2012, it will be compulsory for all drivers in France to possess a breathalyzer test kit in their car.

This means that, in addition to the safety triangle and safety jackets which are already compulsory, drivers must now carry a hand-held breathalyzer kit in their cars, which has not been used and is still within its validity dates.

The new rule applies to all motorized vehicles. Only the drivers of “mobylettes” and those whose vehicles are equipped with an integrated system of alcohol detection will be exempt.

The rule also applies to foreign cars driving within France, even if this only happens occasionally.