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From 1 July 2012, it will be compulsory for all drivers in France to possess a breathalyzer test kit in their car.

This means that, in addition to the safety triangle and safety jackets which are already compulsory, drivers must now carry a hand-held breathalyzer kit in their cars, which has not been used and is still within its validity dates.

The new rule applies to all motorized vehicles. Only the drivers of “mobylettes” and those whose vehicles are equipped with an integrated system of alcohol detection will be exempt.

The rule also applies to foreign cars driving within France, even if this only happens occasionally.  

Breathalyzers typically consist of a reactive tube and a small plastic bag which absorbs just the right amount of air for the test.  During a test, the driver will blow into the plastic bag and after 2 minutes the results will be displayed on the side of the tube.  Your alcohol level will be considered to be either zero, within legal limits for driving, or over the limit.  In the latter case, you should obviously not drive!

The aim of this new law is to encourage drivers to take responsibility for their own breathalyzer tests, in the belief that they will not drive if the kit delivers a positive result.  The ultimate goal is naturally to reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents on the road.

Breathalyzer test kits can be purchased in pharmacies and in some large supermarkets throughout France.  Certain TCS outlets will also supply them.  Don’t forget when buying your new breathalyzer to check that the validity date has not expired.  

If, after 1 November, you are caught without a breathalyzer kit in your car, then you will be liable for a fine up to 11 euros!

News source: TCS website: http://www.tcs.ch/fr/auto-mobilite/inforoute/alcootest.php