• Coffee and Creations
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Living in Nyon
  • Lake Geneva poster


If you love the colors and selections of pumpkins that are avaiable today, then wait no longer! You can buy a great assortment and even make it to a festival as well. Most restaurants will be serving pumpkin soup around this time of year but see bottom of page for Lisa's recipe. If you want to see the largest pumpkin in Switzerland 2011 (not broken since), then click on this article to see Beni Meier of Zurich's 702kg monster!

Girl web

Inspired by her success in the recent photo competition held on knowitall.ch, local photographer, Michelle Petersen, has just launched a new photographic business.

Called Michelle Petersen Photography, the new business will be based in the “La Cote” region, and will focus on portrait photography for babies, children and their families.

Michelle told knowitall.ch, “I am so excited about my new business and am enjoying the process of making great images and memories for my clients. I feel so privileged to do something I love and to be able to reconcile a career with my role as a mother.”

The 8th edition of Know-it-all passport®, the popular English-language guidebook for Geneva, Vaud and neighboring France, has just been published and has now been distributed to local outlets. Click here for a full list of distribution points.

A team of 17 people updated the latest edition, which includes over 750 pages and features literally hundreds of new entries. In response to customer demand, two new sections covering RULES AND REGULATIONS and DISCOUNTS AND MONEY MATTERS have also been added.

The book is divided into 8 sections that can be easily identified by a blue band down the side of the page and full-page photos, which were sent in for our photography contest - see the winner's names here. Thousands of individual entries can also be


Following our recent request for ice-storm pictures on the knowitall.ch website, publishers Beyond the Lens will now release, in time for Christmas 2012, a prestigious art book (printed in Switzerland) showing a wide selection of photos of the extraordinary ice sculptures that were created during the 14 day big freeze in February this year. The 144 page book will feature a collection of both color and black and white images from more than 70 professional and amateur photographers from both Switzerland and France. They will be in an attractive landscape format, measuring 24 cms x 30 cms.

discount-button2Knowitall.ch clients can take advantage of a special, pre-production price for the book, which can be pre-ordered now for Fr. 45.- (€38.-), instead of the Christmas retail price of Fr. 55.- (€46.-). Place your order before 30 October deadline via this link.

As we mentioned in our article, the idea of publishing such a contemporary book came from Sandor Szabados, local photographer and entrepreneur, who has lived around the lake for over 30 years. After seeing so many spectacular photos on the web featuring our local ice-storm, he thought it would be a wonderful idea to combine them into one publication. He says,

eca springbazaar2012

This weekend (23 and 24 June, 2012), the Ethiopian Children's Appeal will hold its annual Spring Bazaar at the Awash Restaurant, in Geneva.

The bazaar will feature lots of new items and a jewellery collection designed and made by ECA Founder, Jo Butler, following her three month sabbatical in Ethiopia this year.

Jo told knowitall.ch, "As a result of our previous fund-raising events, and in particular last year's Spring bazaar, we were able to accomplish so much in Ethiopia this year. I was personally involved in the installation of solar energy at the schools, the construction of two new buildings and a library, the refurbishment of the health clinic, and the annual delivery of school supplies and Christmas gifts. We were also able to plant a vegetable garden at the school so that the children can boost their nutritional needs and sell the surplus! You can read all about it on our website, www.ethiopianchildrensappeal.org!"