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A new boutique, specializing in hand-crafted Indian products, has recently opened in Nyon.

Called RuVédique, the shop is the creation of local entrepreneur, Shareen Pfister, who is originally from Mumbai in India, but is married to a Swiss and currently lives in Vaud.  Shareen sells a wide range of distinctive and elegant clothing for women, which blends influences from both the West and the East.  She also markets an exclusive range of hand-made furnishings, that have been influenced by the traditions of India and include hand embroidery, vibrant prints and vivid colors. 

Commenting on her product range, Shareen told knowitall.ch,

“When I launched RuVédique, my idea was to represent all the fantastic talent that comes out of India and which can now be found in Paris and London, but not yet in Switzerland.  One of my principal suppliers, Anokhi, is a pioneer in the field of hand block printing and supplies to shops like East in the UK, and Simrane in Paris.  Now they are supplying to us in Switzerland! RuVédique also gives me a chance to stay constantly in touch with India and even to make frequent trips back to source all the wonderful items one can see in my store!”


…Lausanne to follow soon

A new website has been launched offering huge discounts on local nightlife in the Geneva area.

Called BarDeal.ch, the website is the brainchild of young entrepreneur, Michael Berset, a former advertising account manager who has lived in the region all his life. Asked why he decided to set up his new company, Michael told knowitall.ch,

“When I was a student I used to love going out with friends to restaurants, bars and night clubs, but was always wondering where to go, and how on earth I was going to afford them, when they were always so expensive! I was determined to find a solution that would enable more youngsters take advantage of the nightlife in Geneva.”

He added, “I’ve always been interested in new trends within the internet, and studied the various models used by different companies offering discounts with “partner” organizations.  From what I could see, these arrangements were not particularly attractive to the partner companies as the host company would demand huge commissions, which would make the deal unworkable in bars and restaurants. So I set about finding a new system that was both fair for partners and cheap for customers!”

Mini pizzasLast year, during the run up to Christmas, we featured a short article listing a few ideas for quick and easy apéritifs, with ingredients sourced from local supermarkets.

The emphasis in each case was on simplicity – none of us want to spend hours creating gourmet dishes at this time of year.  So read on… and if you have a few ideas of your own, please send them in to us and we will add them to this year's list.

If you still need further inspiration, then why not try out one of the "festive" cookery lessons that the Ecole-Cub Migros are running throughout December? Click here to download the flyer or visit the website at www.ecole-club.ch for more information.

Mini pizzas (contributed by Jenny Jeffreys)

Toast nature pour canapés (e.g. Carrefour own brand)
Tube of tomato purée (e.g. Panzani Sauce Tomate from Carrefour)
Mozarella cheese (e.g. Galbani Mozzarella Maxi from Carrefour)
Sliced tin mushrooms (e.g. Carrefour discount Champignons de Paris)
Some pepper and chives to garnish (e.g. Carrefour Herbe aromatique: Ciboulette)

Spread the purée on each slice of bread.
Put a slice of mozarella on each piece.
Add a few sliced mushrooms on top.
Grate some pepper over the top and add a couple of pieces of chopped chive on top.
Just before your guests arrive place them under the grill. Must be served warm.
(n.b. Don’t prepare too early otherwise the bread can go a little soggy!)


If you’re looking to buy something a little special for a little girl this Christmas, then look no further than the fabulous array of fairy/princess frocks that have been created by local seamstress and entrepreneur, Gehl Crowe.

Designed and hand-made for young girls aged between 2 and 8 years old, the costumes come in a wide range of vibrant colors and textures, and can be purchased along with a variety of accessories including beaded wands, dainty wings and glittering crowns.  


If you love the colors and selections of pumpkins that are avaiable today, then wait no longer! You can buy a great assortment and even make it to a festival as well. Most restaurants will be serving pumpkin soup around this time of year but see bottom of page for Lisa's recipe. If you want to see the largest pumpkin in Switzerland 2011, then click on this article to see Beni Meier of Zurich's 702kg monster!