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Kathryn Adams Summer Shadows in Grondère

Kathryn Adams proudly shows off her latest novel

We are not a stranger to Kathryn Adams as we published an article about her first novel in 2019 at this link. The first in the series, Death in Grondère, is so well written but she had already planted the seed to the second one, Summer Shadows in Grondère. It has just been released and is available at many Swiss outlets; see links at bottom of article. Kathryn has very generously offered 5 lucky knowitall.ch readers the chance to win a copy! We asked Kathryn to answer a few questions to set the backdrop...

Is this a sequel to Death in Grondère?
Summer Shadows in Grondère follows directly on from Death in Grondère and ties up some loose ends. The same characters (and a few new ones) return for another adventure in the Swiss Alps where they find themselves enveloped in murder and intrigue once again

What is the inspiration behind this new book?
Switzerland! My intention with this book was to showcase my adopted country in its summer colors. I enjoyed writing it over the summer, walking in the mountains to make sure I was accurate to the season as it progressed. I had some wonderful ‘research days’ hiking with friends, including Lindsay, who continues to inspire my character Poppy.

Have you been working on this idea forever, or was it something that came to you recently?
Death in Grondère was with me for a very long time but Summer Shadows in Grondère took shape very quickly: the plot emerged as I was writing Death in Grondère which allowed me to plant some clues.

What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
Covid-19 lockdown was a bit of a hiccup. I had planned an Easter launch but I just had to let it go and tell myself the world had more important things to worry about. Like everyone else, I have had to adapt to this strange situation we find ourselves in: I ditched the idea of a decent review or marketing period and any sort of formal launch because if I wait I’ll miss the summer market. So it’s all happening in one go.


What are your plans for the future?
The third book in the series is already in the works! Once again, it came to me whilst I was writing Summer Shadows in Grondère. The working title is Winter Wolves in Grondère, which is weird because I had already chosen the theme when wolves were recently sighted in the Val de Bagnes, the area on which Grondère is loosely based. After that I have some different story ideas including a children’s book.

What is your favorite quote from the book? And/or favorite character.
Oh, that’s a tough one. It’s a bit hard to think of a quote out of context and without giving the game away. How about "When a man who believes in justice believes he may have been instrumental in its denial, his belief in himself can only be redeemed by its restoration.’
I love all my characters, even the baddies, but I have a special affection for my nerdy, English-vocabulary-obsessed detective, Blonnay, probably because he’s a lot like me.

Do you have a few clients that can give a quote?
One of the ladies who works at Payot put a note on the sleeve on my book for everyone to see! "A very fun, light summer read. Makes you want to hike and camp in the Swiss Alps. But watch out for the murderer..." I was so pleased that she chose my book as her "coup de coeur" or as we say in English: reader's favorite.

Anything else you think our readers would like to know?
I think your readers will identify with this book as, like me, many of them did not grow up in Switzerland but came here as adults. This means we view Switzerland and its occupants (including ourselves) from the strange position of being ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ at the same time. I think this makes us more aware of the differences in our cultures and attitudes and I love playing with this.
Also, I love to get feedback so if anyone wants to get in touch, please feel free on my Facebook page.

As a special gift, Kathryn Adams is offering 5 lucky knowitall.ch readers a copy of Summer Shadows in Grondère. Just fill in this form and let us know: What is the name of Kathryn Adams's favorite character in her latest book?

Only one entry per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Thursday, 18 June 2020. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner's names drawn at random on Friday, 19 June 2020. The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes. Only valid for delivery to a Swiss address.

front cover feb 2020

Summer Shadows in Grondère can be purchased at the following addresses:

Verbier - many places
Community Facebook page

Payot's homepage

La Liseuese Sion homepage

My YPD online bookshop page

Amazon paperback




Summer Shadows in Grondère
​ISBN 9780995742765


Congratulations to the 5 winners of the Summer Shadows in Grondère

J o h a n n a   K i t s o n
M a y   L o n g
C a r o l y n   N e d d e r
R o s e m a r y   S u d a n
C a r o l y n   O r m o n d